Milan FrankF, Ivo HanákH, Tomáš SmlsalS, Václav Skala@
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of West Bohemia
Plzeň, Czech Republic
* Project supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic: Project MSM 235200005 and Microsoft Research Ltd.: Project ROTOR. F H S @ |
A new environment called .NET was recently introduced to wide
public. However, this environment does not contain libraries for advanced
graphical output. Therefore it is necessary to make such libraries available to
.NET. This paper describes our implementation of graphical library interfaces.
The implementation allows cooperation of graphical interfaces with .NET. We
have dealt with interfaces of libraries such as OpenGL, DirectX, and
Visualization Toolkit (also known as VTK). A short description of libraries is
included as well as a short introduction to .NET environment. We also present
results, advantages, and disadvantages of our implementation. This paper
contains neither comparison of the graphical libraries nor comparison of .NET
environment and other environments.
Keywords: .NET, OpenGL, DirectX, Direct3D, VTK, C++ Managed Extension, C#
This paper is focused on a pure implementation task rather than in explanation of a general theory or specific graphical algorithms. However, the described solution seems to be interesting and useful to people within a computer graphics community. The reason is simple: there are many people using the OpenGL, Visualization Toolkit [1] (VTK) or DirectX, who want to benefit from .NET Framework features. Simply, it is a runtime environment, which hides the operating system layer to the application and unifies single machine and network environments into one (see [2]). Later, we will describe what a .NET Framework stands for in more detail.
The .NET Framework seemed to be very interesting for people from the area of computer graphics that we decided to implement some of the well-known graphical interfaces in it. The VTK, OpenGL and DirectX have been taken into account. These interfaces are widespread and having them prepared in the .NET Framework, it is easy to extend our old working algorithms with new features and functionality. For example, a developer used to write a code for OpenGL can simply continue with a development with it, build it in .NET Framework and easily add whatever other network functionality he wants.
We have implemented the VTK, OpenGL and DirectX interfaces for use within the .NET Framework. It fulfills well our objectives given at the early beginning. Now, graphics developers can also work with the fully object oriented programming (OOP) language C#. It allows more inheritance, deriving and polymorphism into the computer graphics.
The .NET Framework is something like a (Java) virtual machine. It allows runtime environment functionality to any .NET application on whatever hardware platform or operating system, where the .NET Framework is implemented. The .NET is based on Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) technology, which ensures a right communication between independent application and specific hardware or operating system. The CLI is used by many libraries, which are extending it. These libraries are referred to as frameworks. For example, they provide application interfaces (APIs) or programming abstractions.
Some beginners to the .NET have problems with correct understanding
of language interoperability. It may seem that C# is the basic
programming language of a whole .NET and that other languages are only
something as extensions. Actually, C# is really the native language of the
.NET. However, .NET applications can be written in any language, which meets
some requirements given by specifications (concretely the Common Language
Specification). The language interoperability is conditioned by some mechanisms
as common data types system (CTS), data marshalling, etc. All the .NET
languages at the same way share the CTS. It has to be noted that a source code
is compiled into something similar to byte-code and additional type information
is included as metadata.
The result is mixture of intermediate code and metadata, which are still carrying a description of which types will be available at the runtime. In other words, the intermediate code contains complete information to be compiled into a native code of a used processor. Let us mention at least one advantage of the previously stated principle. It is possible for execution engine to verify the type safety and code correctness just before the execution is done.
It is important to understand this background information to be able to read the documentation provided by the Microsoft Company.
OpenGL is a graphic library based on commercial graphical system by SGI [3]. It is used in many applications including games and industry. It offers an interface and facilities for projecting 3D objects on 2D screen (or into image), but just the projection is not the only purpose of the library.
This library provides complete rendering pipeline, which handles lighting, texturing and transformations. The result of 3D world projection is then rendered to the given frame buffer or window of current (underlying) GUI (window system).
The object geometry can be specified using few basic render primitives, such as points, lines, triangles and quads. It includes support for triangle fans and strips. The library as a standard part of the rendering pipeline also provides light and lighting computation. It is possible to choose from common light types, such as point light, directional light and reflector and to set up their parameters. These light types are often supported by the hardware.
It is also possible to cover surface of every rendered primitive with user defined 2D or 1D texture. This includes support for multi-texturing and mip-mapping as a standard facility of the library.
Support for transformations is provided by composition of particular transformations, which are specified by matrices. These particular transformations can be set either by a user (e.g. in the form of matrix) or by standard library functions. Such functions offer a possibility to parameterize basic transformations, such as rotation around given axis, translation by a given vector and scaling by given coefficients.
OpenGL is aimed at visualization of 3D objects. It is also possible to use OpenGL for 2D output because the interface contains functions for setting and retrieving values of pixels inside a specified area (rectangle) at the target frame buffer. Unfortunately, these functions do not have good hardware support and their capabilities are not sufficient enough. E.g., they use nearest-neighbor approach when scaling due to which the visual result is not good. Due to that it is better to use simple 3D objects with texture mapping instead of these functions.
Interface is the most important part of a library. It is the only part visible to a user. In the case of OpenGL this interface consists of a group of functions and constants. These functions are not grouped into classes so it is also possible to use the library in a non-object-oriented languages (e.g., C).
Interface structure (i.e., contained functions and constants) is defined by specifications, which are open to the public. This specification also describes behavior and prescribed reaction of the library to calls of its interface functions. Important advantage of OpenGL interface is its full backward compatibility. Each new version neither adds a complete set of functions nor modifies existing ones. It just enlarges the existing set of functions by new ones. These additions usually follow features, which are implemented in the available hardware.
From inside view behavior of OpenGL is similar to a state machine. Each function (excluding function used to retrieve data and state) modifies the current state of the machine. This state then influences the result of the rendering.
Interface functionality and behavior are described by standardized specification. However, a real implementation is something a little bit different. It follows behavior described in the specification but in some cases (usually error handling) it slightly differs.
Some implementations provide robust and very stable background so they are able to absorb user's mistakes without any visible feedback while others strictly follow the specifications and in the case of such mistake they provide an unpredictable output.
This depends also on the used graphical hardware and sometimes on the used version of the device drivers. It can lead to difficulties while debugging when user develops his/her application using robust implementation and then get strange output using another, less robust.
OpenGL provides functionality for rendering of basic primitives with defined properties (e.g., lights, texture, etc.). Unfortunately, this functionality is sometimes not sufficient enough or its use is too difficult. Therefore together with OpenGL there exist several libraries (GLU, GLUT) or add-ons (GL Extensions).
One of these is the GLU library. This library provides facilities for rendering and tessellation of parametric surfaces as well as useful functions for setting projection.
Another case of such library is the GLUT library. It aims at simplification and unification of OpenGL initialization and its cooperation with currently available GUI. This is because OpenGL interface itself is standardized by specifications while its initialization and cooperation with current GUI is not. Also OpenGL does not contain any facilities for input, library just handles output. Therefore the GLUT library provides environment, which unifies these tasks and makes source code portable to different platforms.
Add-ons such as GL Extensions were mentioned last. These are part of the OpenGL library and provide a possibility to use the latest hardware features, although they are not available in specifications yet. This makes GL Extensions heavily hardware dependent – since they are not part of the specification, each graphical hardware vendor usually creates his own set.
The interface consists of a set of static functions and numeric constants. Thanks to that, it is possible to have OpenGL available in various programming languages. Unfortunately, such construction of the interface can sometimes lead to not very readable source code. Also the use of GL Extensions can be a source of difficulties due to its hardware dependency.
To show how an actual source code using OpenGL looks like, there is a short and simple example (see Figure 1). This example (in C language) should provide a possibility to compare OpenGL source code with other introduced graphical interfaces. It does not contain any code used to cooperate with current GUI.
Figure 1 - Example of OpenGL source code
The output of the example is a white triangle on black background. Fist function in the example sets color (black) for clearing the background. Then the background is cleared with such color. Afterwards the color of the triangle is set. The following block of the source code defines the triangle (i.e., sets coordinates of its vertices). The last function ensures that all functions above are actually performed (i.e., they do not stay waiting in the queue or buffer to be performed later).
DirectX is a set of application interfaces (APIs), which take the advantage of device independent functions to simplify game related tasks, performed by the computer. The DirectX API handles most of the I/O aspects you need at a very low-level, and therefore it will certainly pay off to not use the standard Windows I/O functions provided by the GDI in order to gain as much speed as possible.
DirectX provides a low-level access to hardware functionality of available peripheral hardware devices, such as graphical adapter, sound card, etc. Very important fact is that all this technology is based on a Component Object Model (COM). In other words, DirectX is a set of COM components, each providing some interfaces, which can be divided into subsets with a similar functionality. One of the subsets handle all about the graphics and is called DirectX Graphics. It combines previous 3D and 2D graphic components (Direct3D and DirectDraw) into one and the name Direct3D remained for both. (Now, the entire planar graphic must be done via 3D component.)
To get idea of DirectX usage, see Figure 2 (code snippet that draws a triangle). This code draws a triangle, each vertex in a different color. The inside area pixels are colored by interpolating colors in triangle vertices. First, we get a vertex buffer to draw all scene vertices on a graphic card. Second, an adequate stream is created for our vertex buffer, which we have to lock for our job. On following lines is only declaration of a three-element array that includes coordinates and opacity of the three vertices of our triangle. Finally, we have to send the vertices to a device and unlock the vertex buffer. Other code snippets are presented in [4].
Figure 2 - A triangle code snippet of DirectX
On December 2002, Microsoft has released the DirectX 9.0 (Managed) version of the DirectX, which should meet all the requirements stated at the beginning of this paper. Thus it is used as a reference for comparison to reached results. In the following sentences only its significant graphic namespaces will be shortly described: Microsoft DirectX, Direct3D and DirectDraw.
The namespace Microsoft.DirectX provides utility operations and data storage for DirectX application programming, including exception handling, simple helper methods, and structures used for matrix, clipping plane, quaternion, vector manipulation and so forth. Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D enables to manipulate visual models of 3-D objects and take advantage of hardware acceleration and Microsoft.DirectX.DirectDraw that provides functionality across display memory, the hardware blitter, hardware overlay support, and flipping surface support. It seems that small inconsistency appeared because Direct Graphics 8.1 should combine both D3D and DDraw into one, but in the version 9.0 it is formally divided again.
This is the best solution, which provides a complete DirectX functionality in the style of .NET Framework. An example demonstrating DirectX lighting is at the Figure 3. Advanced information for DirectX .NET development is available in [5] and [6].
Figure 3 - The Lighting sample
The VTK (Visualization Toolkit) is an object-oriented library aimed at data visualization. As a free source project it is developed and supported by Kitware Inc. On the web [7], full version with documentation can be downloaded. The VTK contains wide variety of algorithms, exporters, importers, renderers and also classes for data representation. In contrast to OpenGL and Direct3D, the VTK is higher-level and more specialized on the data visualization. E.g. hard to imagine is to make a fast 3D game engine (as in the case of Quake) in VTK.
The current
version of VTK can be installed on MS Windows and almost all UNIX based
systems. Therefore, there is a good portability on source code level.
Developers can also select from number of programming languages to use. C++ is
the VTK native language and so programs developed in this language are the most
efficient. On the other hand, Java, TCL and Python can be used by means of
appropriate wrappers that are part of the distribution. These wrappers have
some limitations due to differences between C++ and wrapper languages (C++ is
the most general).
The main idea of the VTK is the visualization pipeline. It means that there are some sources of data, which are passed into some kind of filter that processes it and finally the data flows to exporter and/or renderer as the output. Better view of this idea can be given by the following example.
The mace example is similar to well known ”Hello world” application for the VTK. The output is a sphere in polygonal representation with a cone on each vertex normal; see Figure 5. It is displayed in renderer with interactor that allows simple manipulation (rotation, translation, etc.) of the resulting mace by mouse. The appropriate visualization pipeline is given as a graph on Figure 4.
Figure 5 - The mace output
In Figure 4 we can see two sources of polygonal data, the sphere source and the cone source. Both pass their data to the vtkGlyph3D that creates copies of the cone on each vertex of the sphere with orientation of the appropriate vertex normal. The resulting ”spikes” as polygonal data and also the sphere data are passed to the sphere and spike mapper. Mappers are terminal objects that prepare the data for data for rendering (actually they have no output). But renderer itself can visualize actors only. Therefore actors wrap mappers and actors are passed to the renderer. Fully functional source code in C# of this example is given on Figure 6.
Figure 6 - The mace C# source code (VTK)
Figure 6, first we can see creation of the sphere-source and its mapping as the
sphereMapper. The sphereMapper.SetInput(sphere.GetOutput())
method call makes the interconnection between sphere source and sphere mapper.
Appropriate actor (sphereActor) is
created and assigned just behind the mapper. The creation of cone-source object
follows. Its output is connected as a source input of the glyph. The second
input of the glyph is output from sphere-source. The spike-mapper maps the
output from the glyph with spike-actor assigned. Finally the renderer with
render-window and interactor are created. The command renWin.Render(); causes the
pipeline execution and appropriate result is displayed in renderer. The command
iren.Start() contains the event loop
handling and therefore an interaction of user with the renderer is possible.
we would like to point out the ”lazy execution”. Until the render command is
called, no computation is executed. When some output is required, the process
object asks its sources if there are any changes in their state and possibly
updates its own state. It passes recursively through all visualization pipeline
Now we
present the triangle example to
maintain the integrity with other parts of this article. As we mentioned
before, the VTK is higher-level library than OpenGL or Direct3D. On the other
hand, it is an interesting comparison between such different approaches that
solve the same problem. The main part of the source code in C# can be seen in Figure 7. Only the renderer and actor
creation is omitted.
Figure 7 - The triangle C# source code (VTK)
there is a creation of a vertex array with definition of coordinates called vertices. The triangle object itself is actually array of indices to the vertices
array. The creation of the triangle is just after the vertices creation. Next
the polygonal data are created and vertices with the triangle indices are
passed into the object. Finally these polygonal data are mapped to the mapper
that can be processed as mappers in previously presented example.
triangle object is only one from a set of possible polygonal data elements.
Actually it can be any correctly derived class from vtkCell class. But detailed description of the data representation
in VTK is beyond the scope of this article.
section contains description of our approach for graphical interfaces mentioned
in previous section. One of the possible approaches for porting a library to
.NET is the use of wrappers. To use
a wrapper or to wrap a library means to create a set of functions (or objects)
that shall make interface accessible from particular environment. These
functions usually perform system dependent task and call a wrapped function
(i.e., particular function of the original library).
subsection contains description of the OpenGL approach. First, an existing
solution (CsGL) is described to show current state of the art. Next is our
approach and its advantages and disadvantages. At the end of this subsection a
short example of source code is included.
library has currently an existing
solution for .NET environment. It is called CsGL [8], it is an Open Source library.
First version of CsGL library was released at August 14, 2001.
It is a
wrapper of an interface and is implemented in C and C#. The C source code
provides connectivity to underlying GUI and C# code provides OpenGL/GLU
It uses
PInvoke mechanism – i.e. .NET environment handles data sharing and function
calling between itself and outside world. The only things, which need to be
specified, are function headers.
As it
is notified in documentation, this combination of languages should simplify
porting to another platform.
functions and constants are static members of one class. This approach is based
on the fact that a recommended use of CsGL is via inheritance. It means that
user has to inherit his own classes from CsGL class to gain full access to all
OpenGL functions. Ported OpenGL code then looks quite the same as it would be
in plain C.
CsGL has full implementation of OpenGL up to version 1.4, a complete GLU and
approximately 50 GL Extensions including tool for their porting.
The main goal of our implementation is the
same as for CsGL: to create an OpenGL library wrapper. However, unlike CsGL,
there is an aim on programming safety. To achieve it, parameter checking will
be added inside the wrapper. This will prevent user from passing invalid data
structures or arrays (e.g. arrays of wrong length).
our implementation will avoid use of IntPtr
data type that has quite the same meaning as void pointer in non-managed
environment. This will prevent user from passing data structures or arrays of
invalid data type (e.g., passing an array of references instead of an array of
doubles or integers).
enumeration data types (the enums) will replace constants. This will prevent
user from passing invalid constants without need of additional code inside
functions wrappers. Also it will increase a comfort of the interface because it
is a little self-documenting: the user does not need to exactly know, which
constant is needed, because he have to choose only from a group of the constant
specified by the function parameter data type.
important aim of our interface implementation is to provide full comfort of
managed environment. The result will be interface where using it does not need
any knowledge about managed and non-managed environment cooperation.
comfort will be achieved by completely avoiding IntPtr data type, by using enums instead of constants and by adding
additional data structures. These additional structures will serve as a
replacement of non-managed code capability to look on one block of a memory
with different views.
important goal of the implementation is to make the slowdown (due to wrapping)
as low as possible because the features described above (e.g., parameter
checking) lead to additional code inside the wrapper.
that was described above will create an interface of OpenGL/GLU library, which
is comfortable, has high programming safety (especially for non-experienced
users) and is as close to the original OpenGL/GLU specification as possible.
Let us
describe briefly the most important
difficulties of creating implementation described above. The major
difficulty is data sharing. Sharing data between managed and unmanaged code
means to pass non-managed pointer to a memory block outside the managed
environment, and a problem can happen, when the garbage collector removes or
moves with the referenced block of memory. After that, the passed pointer
becomes invalid and operations with memory using such pointer can result in an
application crash.
difficulty is due to void pointer. In this case it is also a matter of
programming safety and a replacement needs additional helpful data structures.
Implementation is performed in C++ Managed Extensions
(MC++), which provide better cooperation among non-managed, managed code and
follows goals and solves difficulties described above. The structure of the
interface implementation is designed to fulfill the described goals. Also
possibility for users to use only that version of OpenGL/GLU that is sufficient
for his/her needs influenced the design.
result contains four groups of classes, which provide:
GUI and OpenGL library connectivity.
functions. Each version is placed into a separate class that is inherited from
the previous version.
data structures. These classes are internal and therefore transparent for a
user. They are the only one, which need to be modified when adding a new
version of OpenGL/GLU interface.
helpful classes and data structures.
most important ones are classes containing OpenGL/GLU functions. These classes
inherit from classes of previous OpenGL/GLU versions to maintain backward
version compatibility. These classes contain two sets of functions (constants),
which differ only by their names.
one is similar to original OpenGL interface; second one is the modified. This
modification is based on removal of 'gl'
(functions) and 'GL_' (constants)
prefix to give the source code better look as it is shown in examples (see Figure 8).
Figure 8 - Source code example.
code in the example above does exactly the same as code in Figure 1. It shall provide a possibility
to compare original C code (also CsGL code using inheritance) (A), CsGL code without use of
inheritance (B),
our implementation using first set of names (C), and the same with the second set of names
(D). The gl variable contains reference to an instance of GL class.
Recommended use of the interface is via composition.
Functions are not static members of the class so there is a need to create
class instance in order to use OpenGL/GLU functions.
It is
possible to use inheritance, but it is not possible to gain both OpenGL and GLU
functionality (constants) by using this approach because of managed environment
allows only one parent per class.
Currently there is a full implementation of OpenGL and
GLU version 1.1. Higher versions and GL Extensions will be implemented
using a generator, which is under development. This generator will provide
possibility to automate the task of porting of new GL Extensions and new OpenGL
runtime of .NET Framework has some features, such as memory management, based
on garbage collector (GC). It automatically controls the lifetime of existing
objects, their location in memory to prevent fragmentation and removes them
from memory since there is no reference to them. A code written for this
managed environment can be called safe code and no pointers are allowed. Having
a reference to an object, GC can shift the object in memory and the reference
is still pointing to it. But once the pointer is initialized to some address,
GC must keep away from the object lying there to avoid its possible shifting
and invalidating the pointer. To switch to this unmanaged mode, where pointers
are used, the unsafe code has to be used.
To pass
data into DirectX methods, pointers should be necessary as well as the
unmanaged mode. But the managed one is preferred.
task can be defined as a process when migrating some functionality from foreign
development environment into ours without changes at the original source code.
In the other words, it can be also named as porting as in [9]. To create a port of some
dynamically linked library (.dll) means to somehow provide headers of all
necessary functions and to do all the necessary steps for the .dll import. But
having the original functionality in a COM, it is simple to let the .NET Framework
runtime to do everything automatically. The runtime has methods for handling
components written in an unmanaged mode and its basic idea is described in the
next paragraph.
advantage that DirectX is a COM based
is highly welcome. The .NET Framework runtime environment can save a lot of
work to developer in a wrapping task because of its runtime callable wrappers
feature. The functionality of GC can be used although the pointers are needed
as well. Each time the method of a COM is called, the runtime callable wrapper
(RCW) is automatically created for accessing the unmanaged code of that COM. It
is created every time that the call occurs. This could seem to be unacceptably
high overhead cost, but, if considering the fact that for e.g. rendering 10 or
10 billions facets takes only one call and one RCW build, it is feasible.
that developer has to do is a COM interfaces registration. Therefore the problem of wrapping is not as difficult
as in [9] and it is not necessary to deal
with some specific problems. In the following paragraphs, important procedures
of how to do it will be described.
COM coclasses is the first general approach that uses the
COM interoperability. Essentials about COM interoperability can be found in [10]. At first, a list of all
component interfaces is taken and for each interface is done registration as in
the Figure 9.
Figure 9 - COM
after a declaration, the COM object is ready for initialization and use.
Instantiating an interface instance causes a corresponding COM instantiation
and all its methods are called via the interface reference. The list of
necessary GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifiers) can be retrieved from header
files of DirectX SDK, downloadable from [2].
This is
the most general way of obtaining DirectX functionality in the sense that only
necessary parts of the interface are included. Another significant reason for
this strategy can be higher level of freedom while mixing components from
several versions. However, it is not possible to combine different versions of
one component, but it is possible to mix different components, each one from
only one version. If, for some reason, a developer needs graphical capabilities
of Direct3D version 9.0 and sound from DirectX 6.0, the instructions given
above will help him to solve this task efficiently.
to previous approach, a type library (DxVbLib) solution gives a complete
functionality of DirectX by a single command. All to do here is to add a
reference to Visual Basic DirectX Type Library named DxVBLib.dll and since it
is done, the whole functionality is available through instantiating the needed
objects and their references.
In the
following example (Figure 10) it is shown on creating a
Direct3D8 object that supports enumeration and allows the creation of
Direct3DDevice8 objects.
Figure 10 - snippet for type library use
the version DirectX 9.0 was released, this was the simplest method how to
implement DirectX in .NET Framework.
Our main
goal with VTK is to allow the user its straightforward use in the managed
(.NET) environment together with programming safety and comfort of the managed
environment. It is necessary to make the unmanaged (Win32) classes accessible
from the managed environment and to provide correct data type conversions
between these two different worlds. As a reasonable solution the interfacing
layer between managed application and unmanaged libraries seems. Simply said,
the application uses the interface and the interface passes its request (with
appropriate data conversions) to the unmanaged libraries. A possible
application scheme is given in Figure 11.
Figure 11 – A possible scheme of a VTK application
in .NET environment
In the
following paragraphs we present a short overview how the interface is created.
The knowledge of that could be good for more efficient use of the interface.
To make
unmanaged classes accessible from the managed environment, it is necessary to
make managed wrap-class for each
unmanaged class we want to access. The managed wrap-class contains an
appropriate instance of unmanaged class. Its methods call methods of the
unmanaged class. See a simplified part of wrap-class source code in Figure 12.
Figure 12 - Simplified MC++ wrap-class source code
wrap-class is written in C++ Managed Extension (MC++). The MC++ is extended C++
to allow programmer use the new features of managed environment. The keyword __gc is typical. It marks the class as
garbage-collected. In the simplest meaning, delete operator need not be called.
Things are much more complicated than this but as the first overview it should
be enough.
The generator or another process that automates wrap-class
creation has to be used due to the VTK size (Approximately 700 classes with
16000 public and protected class members).
We divided the process of generating into two
parts, parsing and generating. The parsing gets appropriate information about
VTK classes from its C++ header files. The generator uses the information from
the parser and generates wrap-classes source codes.
interface implementation is currently in the state of testing and further
development. It has been tested on a simple function to test the interface
expected a slowdown due to the method that was used to create the port of the
interface library, i.e. wrappers. But not only because of that, also due to the
fact that the wrapper contains an additional code to improve the programming
prove our expectation, we performed three tests. These tests measure slowdown
of the CsGL and our implementation, relatively to the original OpenGL library (i.e., common OpenGL Win32 application).
The first test was calling a function glVertex2d. This is an example of the
function with value data types as parameters only. We expected such functions
to be called most often. As you can see at Figure 13, our implementation is a
little bit faster then CsGL and the slowdown is a very small.
Figure 13 - Results of the
glVertex2d test
The second test deals with functions that
have an array type as a parameter and such passed array is not stored inside
the OpenGL. For this test the function glTexImage2D
was used. Again, it is compared to original OpenGL library.
As you
can see at Figure 14, slowdown of our implementation is higher then CsGL. This
slowdown is caused by the parameter checking because without it the results are
close to CsGL.
Figure 14 - Results of the
glTexImage2d test
third test was aimed at a function with an array type as a parameter that is
stored inside OpenGL library in the form of pointer for a future use. An
example of such a functions is glVertexPointer.
As you
can see at Figure 15, the slowdown is quite
significant even for a version without parameter checking. This is caused by
the fact that our implementation uses generic collections for storing internal
Figure 15 - Results of the glVertexPointer test
the functions of such kind are not called, in comparison with the previous
ones, too often. Due to this, the future whole code should not be so
significantly slow.
the CsGL code, using our implementation does not need unsafe code blocks.
Application without unsafe code blocks is considered from a viewpoint of .NET to be more secure. The absence of
unsafe blocks also increases programming comfort (i.e., no pointers). In C#
language this means that only references to objects are needed.
provide some information about speed performance, sample codes of original
DirectX8.1b in C++ have been compared to our modified DirectX9.0 .NET Framework
version. The machine configuration was as follows: two Intel Pentium III /
500MHz, 1GB ECC SDRAM, Diamond Fire GL1 Video Accelerator PCI, OS Windows2000,
400´300´32 window mode.
method of measurement was determining the number of rendered frames per second.
Then, from the average for each test, we calculated the time in milliseconds
with precision provided by the number of decimal digits; see results in Table 1.
Sample type |
C# .NET |
C++ |
Billboarding |
27,9 |
23,2 |
Clipping |
10,3 |
9,4 |
Vertex shader |
15,6 |
14,0 |
Enhanced mesh |
9,1 |
6,6 |
Lights |
17,0 |
23,4 |
Vertex shader |
7,2 |
6,3 |
Table 1 - Time [ms] to render the tested scene
to Figure 16, it is obvious that overhead of
C# is acceptable in most cases with as with the exception of the billboarding
and enhanced mesh tests, where the results point, to better C++ compiler. It
was surprising that DirectX in C# was faster at the lighting test.
the tests even some MS SDK samples crashed. In future work, we want to discover why some errors occurred, e.g.
presenting error exceptions, immediate quitting, machine deadlocks (without any
notice), and some automatic machine reboots. Finally, about 60% of samples
worked well.
result of our work on VTK is one interfacing managed assembly (dll) that can be
easily added to any managed (C#, etc.) project. This interfacing assembly calls
the original VTK libraries. As we mentioned before, the presented interface
provides only a subset of the VTK functionality as any other interfaces to
other environment and/or programming languages.
Figure 16 - Time [ms] to render scene.
already tested the presented
interface on a part of testing samples that are part of the VTK distribution
and no serious troubles have been encountered.
large testing process is in progress. With 15 colleagues, we are preparing a
set of examples from all main parts of VTK application. It is a practical work
in one of the courses supervised by the Center of Computer Graphics and Data
Visualization on the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, Czech Republic.
It is
clear the added interfacing layer produces some slowdown in the application
run. Here we present results of the slowdown
measuring. There is comparison between the managed application in C# that
uses our interface and the unmanaged application in C++ that calls the VTK
libraries directly. Absolute times are given in Table 2.
Program |
Time C# [s] |
Time C++ [s] |
Mace |
0.29 |
0.31 |
FrustrumClip |
0.54 |
0.38 |
ExpCos |
2.96 |
2.28 |
PointLocator |
0.59 |
0.30 |
Rgrid |
0.34 |
0.34 |
IFlamigm |
0.65 |
0.94 |
VolProt |
6.48 |
7.27 |
Table 2 - Slowdown measuring between managed C#
and native C++
As we
can see, the slowdown is about 20%. In our opinion it is not crucial because in
the VTK we are hunting the developing speed and easiness, not the execution
tested samples are usually taken from the VTK source codes and manuals. The
first one is the same mace as the one presented in the section 2.3. The FrustrumClip is a kind of 3D
clipping. The ExpCos example is a 300x300 grid waved by the ”Mexican-hat”
function. The PointLocator is a kind of the 3D nearest-neighbor search. The
RGrid is ”manually” created regular grid displayed as a lines. Test of 3DS file
importing and rendering provide the IFlamigm example. Finally, the VolProt
tests wide variety of direct volume rendering in one window. The graphical
outputs can be seen in Figure 17.
Figure 17 - Testing examples: FrustrumClip, ExpCos,
PointLocator, RGrid, IFlamigm, VolProt
As any
other VTK interfaces, also the presented one does not provide a straightforward
inheritance possibility. So the user cannot simply derive his own class from
any VTK class in .NET environment. For the user it means he can only use
already created VTK modules and cannot create his own modules. Finally we would
like to point out that (as far as we know) it is possible in unmanaged C++
As a future work we would like to finish the
testing process with students. We are considering to allow the user to make his
own functional VTK objects in managed environment by means of two-level
wrapping. Full description of the problem can be found in our paper [9].
Our goal
is not to mutually compare interfaces to tell which one is the best. What we
want to achieve is to create ports of the presented libraries to .NET
environment or to try a little bit different approach than existing ones (as
for OpenGL).
The aim
of our work is programming safety and comfort of the use of the ported
interfaces. We want to make our ported interface to have pure .NET look, i.e.
to avoid using of unmanaged blocks of code in order to communicate with the
future work, as it was mentioned in previous sections, is aimed at improving
functionality, stability and safety of implementations. Currently our
implementations are in state of testing and further improving functionality.
They are already usable, but shall not be considered to be completely
error-proof yet.
works are our diploma thesis. Release versions are expected at the beginning of
June. All the presented project will be published as OpenSource because it is a
part of the ROTOR project [12].
This work
is a part of Microsoft Research Ltd. (U.K.): ROTOR project [12] and was supported by the Ministry
of Education of The Czech Republic – Project MSM 235200005.
We also
wish to thank doc. Ivana Kolingerová for advises and emendation.
W., Martin, K., Lorensen, B.: The
Visualiasation Toolkit. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1998.
Kačmář, D.: Programujeme .NET aplikace. (in Czech)
Computer Press, Praha, 2001.
SGI: OpenGL 1.3 specification.
[4] Smlsal, T.,
Skala, V.: DirectX in C#. In C# and .NET Technologies 2003 proceedings, UNION
Agency, Science Press, Plzeň, 2003.
C# Corner. http://www.c‑
Visual Studio .NET Documentation.
Home pages of VTK.
CsGL project documentation.
[9] Hanák, I., Frank,
M., Skala, V.: OpenGL and VTK interface
for .NET. In C# and .NET
Technologies 2003 proceedings, UNION Agency, Science Press, Plzeň, 2003.
Microsoft COM Technologies.
MSDN (electronic resources).
Centre of Computer Graphics and Data