In volume visualization, huge amounts of data have to be processed. While modern hardware is quite capable of this task in terms of processing power, the gap between CPU performance and memory bandwidth further increases with every new generation of CPUs. It is therefore essential to efficiently use the limited memory bandwidth. In this paper, we present novel approaches to optimize CPU-based volume raycasting of large datasets on commodity hardware. A new addressing scheme is introduced, which permits the use of a bricked volume layout with minimal overhead. We further present an extended parallelization strategy for Simultaneous Multithreading. Finally, we introduce memory efficient acceleration data structures which enable us to render large medical datasets, such as the Visible Male (587×341×1878), at up to 2.5 frames/second on a commodity notebook.
1 Introduction
Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a powerful technique to visualize complex structures within volumetric data. Its main advantage, compared to standard surface rendering, is the ability to concurrently display information about the surface and the interior of objects. This aids the user in conveying spatial relationships of different structures (see Figure 1). In medicine, visualization of volumetric datasets acquired by computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or ultrasound imaging helps to understand the patient's pathological conditions, improves surgical planning, and has an important role in education. However, a typical data size of today's clinical routine is about 512×512×1024 (16 bit CT data) and will increase in the near future due to technological advances of acquisition devices. Conventional slicing is of limited use for such large datasets due to the enormous amount of slices. However, providing interactive three-dimensional volume visualization of such large datasets is a challenging task. In this paper, we will present several techniques developed to perform high-quality volume visualization of large datasets ( > 512×512×512) using commodity hardware. Section 2 is devoted to the extensive research that has been performed in this area. In Section 3, we deal with the fundamental issue of efficient memory management. We present methods to exploit parallelization techniques available on consumer hardware in Section 4. In Section 5, we introduce acceleration data structures that do not suffer from the drawback of large memory consumption. Finally, our results are presented and discussed in Section 6 and the paper is concluded in Section 7.

Figure 1: Direct volume rendering of a computed tomography angiography (CTA) dataset - enhanced display of blood vessels
2 Related Work
Within the domain of volume visualization three basic directions of research have emerged: Firstly, in the recent years methods have been presented which utilize the latest features of consumer graphics hardware. Secondly, several dedicated hardware solutions have been developed. The third category is CPU-based volume rendering using algorithmic optimizations. Graphics hardware based solutions provide real-time performance and high quality [1,13,14]. These methods rely on advanced graphics hardware features, which limits their use on general purpose PCs. Guthe et al. [3] utilize wavelet compression to handle large datasets. They gain performance by using a level of detail approach based on the viewer position. One problem of approaches using graphics hardware is that they are limited in their functionalities: Basic rendering capabilities are supported by hardware volume rendering solutions. However, advanced visualization systems provide preprocessing features such as filtering, segmentation, morphological operations, etc. If such operations are not supported by the hardware, they have to be performed on the CPU and data must be transferred back to the hardware. This transfer is very time consuming, thus, no interactive feed-back is possible. Dedicated hardware solutions [12,8] provide support for many advanced visualization techniques. They feature high-quality and impressive performance. For example, the VolumePro board [12] is capable of rendering a 512×512×512 dataset at 30 frames/second. The disadvantage of these approaches is their high cost. In CPU-based solutions memory and processing bandwidth are limited. Their strength is the high flexibility and independence of special hardware capabilities. These approaches rely on specialized algorithms to provide interactivity. Many high-level algorithmic optimization techniques have been developed to achieve high performance. Most of these techniques have the assumption in common that only parts of the data have to be visualized. This assumption is still valid, but the resolution delivered by acquisition devices constantly increases. A main issue therefore is to handle these large amounts of data. Approaches by Knittel [4] and Mora et al. [10] achieve high performance by using a spread memory layout. The main drawback of this approach is the enormous memory usage. In both systems, the usage is approximately four times the data size. This memory consumption is quite a limitation, considering that the maximum virtual address space is about 3 GB on current commodity computer systems. One focus of our research was to address this issue in order to present a new approach using significantly less memory. In contrast to other methods, we try to reduce the influence of the memory bottleneck by performing many computations (gradient estimation, shading) on-the-fly rather than to rely on precomputation.
3 Memory Management for Large Datasets
The discrepancy between processor and memory performance is rapidly increasing, making memory access a potential bottleneck for applications which have to process large amounts of data. Raycasting is prone to cause problems, as it generally leads to irregular memory access patterns. This section discusses practical methods to improve performance by taking advantage of the cache hierarchy.
3.1 Bricking
The most common way of storing volumetric data is a linear volume layout. Volumes are typically thought of as a number of two-dimensional images (slices) which are kept in an array. While this three-dimensional array has the advantage of simple address calculation, it has disadvantages when used in raycasting, due to its view-dependent memory access patterns. The concept of bricking supposes the decomposition of data into small fixed-size data blocks. Each block is stored in linear order. The basic idea is to choose the block size according to the cache size of the architecture so that an entire block fits in a fast cache of the system. It has been shown that bricking is one way to achieve high cache coherency, without increasing memory usage. However, accessing data in a bricked volume layout is very costly. In contrast to the proposed two-level subdivision hierarchy of Parker et al. [11], we choose one-level subdivision of the volume data. This is due to the fact that every additional level introduces costs for addressing the data.
3.2 Addressing
The addressing of data in a bricked volume layout is more costly than in a linear volume layout. To address one data element, one has to address the block itself and the element within the block. In contrast to this addressing scheme, a linear volume can be seen as one large block. To address a sample it is enough to compute just one offset. In algorithms like volume raycasting, which need to access a certain neighborhood of data in each processing step, the computation of two offsets instead of one generally cannot be neglected. In a linear volume layout, the offsets to neighboring samples are constant. Using bricking, the whole address computation would have to be performed for each neighboring sample that has to be accessed. To avoid this performance penalty, one can construct an if-else statement. The if-clause consists of checking if the needed data elements can be addressed within one block. If the outcome is true, the data elements can be addressed as fast as in a linear volume. If the outcome is false, the costly address calculations have to be done. This simplifies address calculation, but the involved if-else statement incurs pipeline flushes.
(a) |
(b) |
Figure 2: Different cases that have to be distinguished for lookup table generation for a (a) 8-neighborhood and (b) 26-neighborhood
We therefore apply a different approach [2]. We differentiate the possible sample positions by the locations of the needed neighboring samples. The first sample location (i, j, k) is defined by the integer parts of the current resample position. A block can be subdivided into subsets. For each subset, we can determine the blocks in which the neighboring samples lie. Therefore, it is possible to store these offsets in a lookup table. This is illustrated in Figure 2 (a). We see that there are four basic cases, which can be derived from the current sample location. This can be mapped straightforwardly to 3D, which gives eight distinct cases. The lookup table contains 8 ·7 = 56 offsets. We have eight cases, and for each sample (i, j, k) we need the offsets to its seven adjacent samples. The seven neighbors are accessed relative to the sample (i, j, k). Since each offset consists of four bytes, the table size is 224 bytes. The basic idea is to extract the eight cases from the current resample position and create an index into a lookup table, which contains the offsets to the neighboring samples. The input parameters of the lookup table addressing function are the sample position (i, j, k) and the block dimensions Bx, By, and Bz. We assume that the block dimensions are a power of two, i.e., Bx = 2Nx, By = 2Ny, and Bz = 2Nz. As a first step, the block offset part from i, j, and k is extracted by ANDing the corresponding B{x, y, z}-1. The next step is to increase all by one to move the maximum possible value of B{x, y, z}-1 to B{x, y, z}. All the other possible values stay within the range [1,B{x, y, z}-1]. Then a conjunction of the resulting value and the complement of B{x, y, z}-1 is performed, which maps the input values to [0, B{x, y, z}]. The last step is to add the three values and divide the result by the minimum of the block dimensions, which maps the result to [0,7]. This last division can be exchanged by a shift operation. In summary, the lookup table index for a position (i,j,k) is given by:
(( i & (Bx - 1)) + 1 ) & ~ (Bx - 1) |
(( j & (By - 1)) + 1 ) & ~ (By - 1) |
(( k & (Bz - 1)) + 1 ) & ~ (Bz - 1) |
(i¢+ j¢+ k¢) >> |
(Nx ,Ny ,Nz) |
(1) |
We use & to denote a bitwise and operation, | to denote a bitwise or operation, >> to denote a right shift operation, and ~ denotes a bitwise negation. A similar approach can be done for the gradient computation. We present a general solution for a 26-connected neighborhood. Here we can, analogous to the resample case, distinguish 27 cases. For 2D, this is illustrated in Figure 2 (b). Depending on the position of sample (i, j, k) a block is subdivided into 27 subsets. The first step is to extract the block offset, by ANDing B{x,y,z}-1. Then we subtract one, and conjunct with 2 ·B{x,y,z} - 1, to separate the case if one or more components are zero. In other words, zero is mapped to 2 ·B{x,y,z}-1. All the other values stay within the range [0,B{x,y,z}-2]. To separate the case of one or more components being B{x,y,z}-1, we add 1, after the previous subtraction is undone by a disjunction with 1, without loosing the separation of the zero case. Now all the cases are mapped to {0,1,2} to obtain a ternary system. This is done by dividing the components by the corresponding block dimensions. These divisions can be replaced by faster shift operations. Then the three ternary variables are mapped to an index in the range of [0,26]. In summary, the lookup table index computation for a position (i,j,k) is:
((((i & (Bx-1)) - 1) & (2 Bx - 1)) | 1) + 1 |
((((j & (By-1)) - 1) & (2 By - 1)) | 1) + 1 |
((((k & (Bz-1)) - 1) & (2 Bz - 1)) | 1) + 1 |
9(i¢ >> Nx) + 3(j¢ >> Ny) + (k¢ >> Nz) |
(2) |
The presented index computations can be performed reasonably fast on current CPUs, since they only consist of simple bit manipulations. The lookup tables can be used in raycasting on a bricked volume layout for efficient access to neighboring samples. Another possible option to simplify the addressing is to inflate each block by an additional border of samples from the neighboring blocks [3]. However, such a solution increases the overall memory usage considerably. For example, for a block size of 32×32×32 the total memory is increased by approximately 20%. This is an inefficient usage of memory resources and the storage redundancy reduces the effective memory bandwidth. Our approach practically requires no additional memory, as all blocks share one global address lookup table.
3.3 Traversal
It is most important to ensure that data once replaced in the cache will not be required again to avoiding trashing. Law and Yagel have presented a trashless distribution scheme for parallel raycasting [6]. Their scheme relies on an object space subdivision of the volume. While their method was essentially developed in the context of parallelization, to avoid redundant distribution of data blocks over a network, it is also useful for a single-processor approach. The volume is subdivided into blocks, as described in Section 3.1. These blocks are then sorted in front-to-back order depending on current viewing direction. The ordered blocks are placed in a set of block lists in such a way that no ray that intersects a block contained in a block list can intersect another block from the same block list. Each block holds a list of rays whose current resample position lies within the brick. The rays are initially added to the list of the block which they first intersect. The blocks are then traversed in front-to-back order by sequentially processing the block lists. The blocks within one block list can be processed in any order, e.g. in parallel. For each block, all rays contained in its ray list are processed. As soon as a ray leaves a block, it is removed from its ray list and added to the new block's list. When the ray list of a block is empty, processing is continued with the next block. Due to the subdivision of the volume, it is very likely that a block entirely remains in a fast cache while its rays are being processed, provided the brick size is chosen appropriately. The generation of the block lists does not have to be performed for each frame. For parallel projection there are eight distinct cases where the order of blocks which have to be processed remains the same. Thus, the lists can be precomputed for these eight cases.
4 Parallelization Strategies for Commodity Hardware
Raycasting has always posed a challenge on hardware resources. Thus, numerous approaches for parallelization have been presented. As our target platform is consumer hardware, we have focused on two parallelization schemes available in current stand-alone PCs: Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) and Simultaneous Multithreading (SMT).
4.1 Symmetric Multiprocessing
Architectures using multiple similar processors connected via a high-bandwidth link and managed by one operating system are referred to as Symmetric Multiprocessing systems. Each processor has equal access to I/O devices. As Law and Yagel's traversal scheme was originally developed for parallelization, it is straight-forward to apply to SMP architectures. The blocks in each of the block lists described in Section 3.3 can be processed simultaneously. Each list is partitioned among the countphysical CPUs available. A possible problem occurs when rays from two simultaneously processed blocks have the same subsequent block. One way of handling these cases would be to use a synchronization primitives, such as mutexes or critical sections, to ensure that only one thread can assign rays at a time. However, the required overhead can decrease the performance drastically. Therefore, to avoid the race conditions when two threads try to add rays to the ray list of a block, each block has a list for every physical CPU. When a block is being processed, the rays of all these lists are cast. When a ray leaves the block, it is added to the new block's ray list corresponding to the CPU currently processing the ray.
4.2 Simultaneous Multithreading
Simultaneous Multithreading is a concept well-known in workstation and mainframe hardware. It is based on the observation that the execution resources of a processor are rarely fully utilized. SMT uses the concept of multiple logical processors which share the resources of just one physical processor. Executing two threads simultaneously on one processor has the advantage of more independent instructions being available, thus increasing CPU utilizations. This can be achieved by duplicating state registers, which only leads to little increases in manufacturing costs. Intel's SMT implementation is called Hyper-Threading [7] and was first available on the Pentium 4 CPU. Currently, two logical CPUs per physical CPU are supported. Exploiting SMT, however, is not as straight-forward as it may seem at first glance. Since the logical processors share caches, it is essential that the threads operate on neighboring data items. Therefore, treating the logical CPUs in the same way as physical CPUs leads to little or no performance increase. Instead, it might even lead to a decrease in performance, due to cache trashing. Thus, the processing scheme has to be extended in order to allow multiple threads to operate within the same block. The blocks are distributed among physical processors as described in the previous section. Within a block, multiple threads, each executing on a logical CPU, simultaneously process the rays of the block. Using several threads to process the ray list of a block would lead to race conditions and would therefore require expensive synchronization. Thus, instead of each block having just one ray list for every physical CPU, we now have countlogical lists per physical CPU, where countlogical is the number of threads that will simultaneously process the block, i.e., the number of logical CPUs per physical CPU. Thus, each block has countphysical ·countlogical ray lists. Figure 3 depicts the operation of the algorithm for a system with two physical CPUs which each allow two threads to execute simultaneously, i.e., countphysical=2 and countlogical=2. In the beginning seven threads, T0,...,T6, are started. T0 is responsible for all the preprocessing. In particular, it has to assign the rays to those blocks through which the rays enter the volume first. Then it has to choose the lists of blocks which can be processed simultaneously, with respect to the eight principal viewing directions. Each list is partitioned by T0 and sent to T1 and T2. After a list is sent, T0 sleeps until its slaves are finished. Then the algorithm continues with the next pass. T1 sends one block after the other to T3 and T4. T2 sends one block after the other to T5 and T6. After a block is sent, they sleep until their slaves are finished. Then they send the next block to process, and so on. T3, T4, T5, and T6 perform the actual raycasting. Thereby, T3 and T4 simultaneously process one block, and T5 and T6 simultaneously process one block.

Figure 3: Workflow of our algorithm on a system supporting SMP and SMT
5 Memory Efficient Acceleration Data Structures
Even with efficient memory access and parallelization present, raycasting still causes a huge workload for the CPU. In this section, we present algorithmic optimizations to reduce this workload. We present three techniques which each can achieve a significant reduction of rendering times. Our focus lies in minimizing the additional memory requirements of newly introduced data structures.
5.1 Gradient Cache
It has been argued that the quality of the final image is heavily influenced by the gradients used in shading [9]. High-quality gradient estimation methods have been developed, which are generally more expensive due to the large neighborhood they use. Many approaches therefore use expensive gradient estimation techniques to precompute gradients at the grid positions and store them together with the original samples. The additional memory requirements, however, limit the application of this approach to large datasets. For example, using 2 bytes for each component of the gradient increases the size of the dataset by a factor of four (assuming 2 bytes are used for the original samples). In addition to the increased memory demands of precomputed gradients, this approach also reduces the effective memory bandwidth. We therefore choose to perform gradient estimation on-the-fly. Consequently, when using an expensive gradient estimation method, caching of intermediate results is inevitable if high performance has to be achieved. An obvious optimization is to perform gradient estimation only once for each cell. When a ray enters a new cell, the gradients are computed at all eight corners of the cell. The benefit of this method is dependent on the number of resample locations per cell, i.e., the object sample distance. However, the computed gradients are not reused for other cells. We perform gradient caching on a block basis. The cache is able to store one gradient entry for every grid position contained in a cell of the current block. Thus, the required cache size is (Bx + 1)×(By + 1)×(Bz + 1) where Bx, By, Bz are the block dimensions. The block dimensions have to be increased by one to enable interpolation across block boundaries. Each entry of the cache stores the three components of a gradient, using a 4 byte single precision floating-point number for each component. Additionally, a bit array has to be stored that encodes the presence of an entry in the cache for each grid position in a cell of the current block. When a ray enters a new cell, for each of the eight corners of the cell the bit set is queried. If the result of a query is zero, the gradient is computed and written into the cache. The corresponding value of the bit set is set to one. If the result of the query is one, the gradient is already present in the cache and is retrieved. The disadvantage of this approach is that gradients at block borders have to be computed multiple times. However, this caching scheme still greatly reduces the performance impact of gradient computation and requires only a modest amount of memory. Furthermore, the required memory is independent of the volume size, which makes this approach applicable to large datasets.
5.2 Entry Point Buffer
One of the major performance gains in volume rendering can be achieved by quickly skipping data which is classified as transparent. In particular, it is important to begin sampling at positions close to the data of interest, i.e., the non-transparent data. This is particularly true for medical datasets, as the data of interest is usually surrounded by large amounts of empty space (air). The idea is to find, for every ray, a position close to its intersection point with the visible volume, thus, we refer to this search as entry point determination. The advantage of entry point determination is that it does not require additional overhead during the actual raycasting process, but still allows to skip a high percentage of empty space. The entry points are determined in the ray setup phase and the rays are initialized to start processing at the calculated entry position. The basic goal of entry point determination is to establish a buffer, the entry point buffer, which stores the position of the first intersection with the visible volume for each ray. As blocks are the basic processing units of our algorithm, the first step is to find all blocks which do not contribute to the visible volume using the current classification, i.e., all blocks that only contain data values which are classified as transparent. It is important that the classification of a whole block can be calculated quickly to allow interactive transfer function modification. We store the minimum and maximum value of the samples contained in a block and use a summed area table of the opacity transfer function to determine the visibility of the block [5]. We then perform a projection of each non-transparent block onto the image plane with hidden surface removal to find the first intersection point of each ray with the visible volume. The goal is to establish an entry point buffer of the same size as the image plane, which contains the depth value for each ray's intersection point with the visible volume. For parallel projection, this step can be simplified. As all blocks have exactly the same shape, it is sufficient to generate one template by rasterizing the block under the current viewing transformation. Projection is performed by translating the template by a vector t = (tx,ty,tz)T which corresponds to the block's position in three-dimensional space in viewing coordinates. Thus, tx and ty specify the position of the block on the image plane (and therefore the location where the template has to be written into the entry point buffer) and tz is added to the depth values of the template. The Z-buffer algorithm is used to ensure correct visibility. In ray setup, the depth values stored in the entry point buffer are used to initialize the ray positions. The disadvantage of this approach is that it requires an addition and a depth test at every pixel of the template for each block. This can be greatly reduced by choosing an alternative method.The blocks are projected in back-to-front order. The back-to-front order can be easily established by traversing the generated block lists (see Section 3.3) in reverse order. For each block the Z-value of the generic template is written into the entry point buffer together with a unique index of the block. After the projection has been performed, the entry point buffer contains the indices and relative depth values of the entry points for each ray. In ray setup, the block index is used to find the translation vector t for the block and tz is added to the relative depth value stored in the buffer to find the entry point of the ray. The addition only has to be performed for every ray that actually intersects the visible volume. We further extend this approach to determine the entry points in a finer resolution than block granularity. We replace the minimum and maximum values stored for every block by a min-max octree. Its root node stores the minimum and maximum values of all samples contained in the block. Each additional level contains the minimum and maximum value for smaller regions, resulting in a more detailed description of parameter variations inside the block. Every time the classification changes, the summed area table is recursively evaluated for each octree node and the classification information is stored as linearized octree bit encoding using hierarchy compression. The projection algorithm is modified as follows. Instead of one block template there is now a template for every octree level. The projection of one block is performed by recursively traversing the hierarchical classification information in back-to-front order and projecting the appropriate templates for each level, if the corresponding octree node is non-transparent. In addition to the block index, the entry point buffer now also stores an index for the corresponding octree node. In ray setup, the depth value in the entry point buffer is translated by the the tz component of the translation vector plus the sum of the relative offsets of the node in the octree. The node index encodes the position of a node's origin within the octree. It can be calculated in the following way:
index(node) = |
i = 0
octanti(node) ·8N - i - 1 |
(3) |
where N is the depth of the octree, octanti is the octant of level i where the node is located. For an octree of depth N there are 8N different indices. The relative translational offsets for the octree nodes can be precomputed and stored in a lookup table of 8N entries indexed by the node index.
5.3 Cell Invisibility Cache
Our solution for entry point determination was presented in the previous section. However, the problem of skipping transparent regions within the dataset remains. In addition, if the depth of the octree does not reach down to cell level, the initial position of a ray might not be its exact intersection point with the visible volume. Thus, some transparent regions are still processed. We therefore introduce a cell invisibility cache to skip the remaining transparent regions at cell level. We can skip resampling and compositing in a cell if all eight samples of the cell are classified as transparent. To determine the transparency, a transfer-function lookup has to be performed for each of these samples. For large zoom factors, several rays can hit the same cell and for each of these rays the same lookups would have to be performed. A cell invisibility cache is attached at the beginning of the traditional volume raycasting pipeline. This cache is initialized in such a way that it reports every cell as visible. In other words every cell has to be classified. Now, if a ray is sent down the pipeline, every time a cell is classified invisible this information is stored in the cache. If a cell is found to be invisible, this information is stored by setting the corresponding bit in the cell invisibility cache. As the cache stores the combined information for eight samples of a cell in just one bit, this is more efficient than performing a transfer function lookup for each sample. The information stored in the cell invisibility cache remains valid as long as no transfer function modifications are performed. During the examination of the data, e.g. by changing the viewing direction, the cache fills up and the performance increases progressively. The advantage of this technique is that no extensive computations are required when the transfer function changes. The reset of the buffer can be performed with virtually no delay, allowing fully interactive classification. As transfer function specification is a non-trivial task, minimizing delays initiated by transfer function modifications greatly increases usability.
6 Results
In this section, we present results for each of the addressed issues. These results were obtained by extensive experiments on diverse hardware. For a comparison of bricked and linear volume layouts, we use a Dual Intel Pentium Xeon 2.4 GHz equipped with 512 KB level-2 cache, 8 KB level-1 data cache, and 1 GB of Rambus memory. In our system, we are able to support different block sizes, as long as each block dimension is a power of two. If we set the block size to the actual volume dimensions, we have a common raycaster which operates on a simple linear volume layout. This enables us to make a meaningful comparison between a raycaster which operates on simple linear volume layout and a raycaster which operates on a bricked volume layout. To underline the effect of bricking we benchmarked different block sizes. Figure 4 shows the actual speedup achieved by blockwise raycasting. For testing, we specified a translucent transfer-function, such that the impact of all high level optimizations was overridden. In other words, the final image was the result of brute-force raycasting of the whole data. The size of the dataset had no influence on the actual optimal gains. Going from left to right in the chart shown in Figure 4, first we have a speedup of about 2.0 with a block size of 1 KB. Increasing the block size up to 64 KB also increases the speedup. This is due to more efficient use of the cache. The chart shows an optimum at a block size of 64KB (32×32×32) with a speedup of about 2.8. This number is the optimal tradeoff between the needed cache space for ray data structures, sample data, and lookup tables. Larger block sizes lead to performance decreases, as they are too large for the cache, but still suffer from the overhead caused by bricking. This performance drop-off is reduced, once the block size approaches the volume size. With only one volume-sized block, the rendering context is that of a common raycaster operating on a linear volume layout.

Figure 4: Block-based raycasting speedup compared to common raycasting on linear volume layout
The achieved speedups for Symmetric Multiprocessing and Simultaneous Multithreading are shown in Figure 5. Testing Simultaneous Multithreading on only one CPU showed an average speedup of 30%. While changing the viewing direction, the speedup varies from 25% to 35%, due to different transfer patterns between the level 1 and the level 2 cache. Whether Hyper-Threading is enabled or disabled, adding a second CPU approximately reduces the computational time by 50%, i.e., Symmetric Multiprocessing and Simultaneous Multithreading are independent. This shows that our Simultaneous Multithreading scheme scales very well on multi-processor machines. The Hyper-Threading benefit of approximately 30% is maintained if the second hyper-threaded CPU is enabled.

Figure 5: SMP and SMT speedups
To demonstrate the impact of our high-level optimizations we used a commodity notebook system equipped with an Intel Centrino 1.6 GHz CPU, 1 MB level 2 cache, and 1 GB RAM. This system has one CPU and does not support Hyper-Threading so the presented results only reflect performance increases due to our high-level acceleration techniques. The memory consumption of the gradient cache is not related to the volume dimensions, but determined by the fixed block size. We use 32×32×32 blocks, the size of the gradient cache therefore is is (33)3 ·3 ·4 byte » 422 KB. Additionally we store for each cache entry a valid bit, which adds up to 333 / 8 byte » 4.39 KB. Figure 6 shows the effect of per block gradient caching compared to per cell gradient caching and no gradient caching at all. Per cell gradient caching means that gradients are reused for multiple resample locations within a cell. We chose an adequate opacity transfer function to enforce translucent rendering. The charts from left to right show different timings for object sample distances from 1.0 to 0.125 for three different zoom factors 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0. In case of zoom factor 1.0 we have one ray per cell, already here per block gradient caching performs better than per cell gradient caching. This is due to the shared gradients between cells. For zooming out (0.5) both gradient caching schemes perform equally well. The rays so far apart that nearly any gradients are shared. On the other hand, for zooming in (2.0), per block caching performs much better than per cell caching. This is due to the increased number of rays per cell. For this zoom factor, per brick gradient caching achieves a speedup of approximately 3.0 compared to no gradient caching at a typical object sample distance of 0.5

Figure 6: Comparison of different gradient caching strategies
The additional memory usage of the acceleration data structures is rather low. The cell invisibility cache has a size of 323 bit = 4096 byte. The min-max octree has a depth of three storing 4 byte at each node (a 2 byte minimum and maximum value) and requires at most 2340 byte. Additionally, the classification information is stored, which requires 66 byte. We use block of size 32×32×32 storing 2 bytes for each sample, which is a total of 65536 bytes. Our data structures increase the total memory requirements by approximately 10%. Figure 7 compares our acceleration techniques for three large medical datasets. In the fourth column of the table, the render times for entry point determination using block granularity is displayed. Column five shows the render times for octree based entry point determination. In the fifth column, the render times for octree based entry point determination plus cell invisibility caching are displayed. Typically, about 2 frames/second are achieved for these large data sets.

Image |
Dimensions |
Size |
Block |
Octree |
Cell |
(a) |
587×341×1878 |
0.70 GB |
0.61 s |
0.46 s |
0.40 s |
(b) |
587×341×1878 |
0.70 GB |
0.68 s |
0.53 s |
0.45 s |
(c) |
512×512×1112 |
0.54 GB |
1.16 s |
0.93 s |
0.61 s |
(d) |
512×512×1202 |
0.59 GB |
0.86 s |
0.70 s |
0.64 s |
(e) |
512×512×1202 |
0.59 GB |
0.69 s |
0.46 s |
0.37 s |
Figure 7: Different degree of high-level optimizations tested on large datasets
7 Conclusions
We have presented different techniques for volume visualization of large datasets on commodity hardware. We have shown that efficient memory management is fundamental to achieve high performance. Our work on parallelization has demonstrated that well-known methods for large parallel systems can be adapted and extended to exploit evolving technologies, such as Simultanous Multithreading. Our memory efficient data structures provide frames/second performance even for large datasets. A key point of our work was to demonstrate that commodity hardware is able to achieve the performance necessary for real-world medical applications. In future work, we will investigate out-of-core and compression methods to permit the use of even larger datasets.
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