Vid Domiter
University of Maribor
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Science
Laboratory for
Geometric Modelling and Multimedia Algorithms
Smetanova 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
1. Introduction
2. The algorithm
2.1. Insertion of points
2.2. Insertion of edges
2.2.1 Removal of intersected triangles
2.2.2 Triangulation of pseudo-polygons
3. Results
4. Conclusion
Keywords: Constrained Delaunay triangulation, two-level subdivision, computational geometry, GIS
CDT algorithms can be divided in the same way as DT algorithms, into three main groups:
This article presents an algorithm, which is a combination of two known algorithms (DT algorithm using a nearest-point paradigm, presented by Žalik and Kolingerova [9] and an incremental CDT algorithm explained by Anglada [8]). Sections 2.1 and 2.2 describe each idea in details. At the end, a conclusion, based on results will be given.
Due to the insertional nature of this algorithm, determination of artificial triangle is to be done first. The triangle has to be constructed large enough, so all points fall inside of it.
Insertion of the first point is handled under initialization. The result is a big triangle, split in three smaller ones. This step is trivial, because triangulation is definitely a DT (Figure 1a).
Figure 1: Inserted point pi splits one triangle and forms three new triangles (a) or splits two and
forms four new triangles (b), when it falls on the common edge.
Triangulation is the main process. It consists of two steps. The first step is finding a triangle containing inserted point. This step uses a 2LUPS searching structure and a searching mechanism, usually performed by so-called spiral algorithm, which is used here[9]. First, the point is inserted into a cell of 2LUPS structure. Then, a search for the closest vertex is started (Figure 2). Here, we can see the idea presented by \v Zalik and Kolingerova [9].
Figure 2: Finding the closest point.
In Figure 2, inserted point is pi. A distance calculate a distance dmin to the closest vertex in this cell (p1) is calculated. Shaded cells are being searched (they could contain a vertex within a circle, centered in pi with radius dmin). When vertex p2 is located, dmin is updated and the search continues in cells intersected by a new circle (now defined by a new radius dmin). There are no other vertices in the cells, so the closest is p2}.
After the closest vertex is found, it is possible, that it belongs to one of the triangles containing the inserted point. If not, the next closest vertex has to be found. This is easy, because the candidates are previously examined vertices.
The second step is splitting the corresponding triangle into three or four sub-triangles (Figure 1a and Figure 1b), which are then checked for empty circumcircle criterium (Figure 3). If a triangle fails the checking, it must be legalized. This means that a common edge of the tested triangle and its edge-neighbour must be flipped to obtain two new triangles. Again, they must be tested. The procedure is implemented recursively.
Figure 3: Triangle fails Delaunay criterium and edge flip must be done.
The final step is finalization. Its basic task is a removal of triangles containing the vertices of artificial triangle, formed in initialization. The algorithm works with time complexity of O(n1,1) for most cases. The worst time complexity is O(n2), where n is number of inserted points.
Figure 4: Situation before insertion of edge ab(a), removal of intersected triangles (b) forms two pseudo-polygons
PU and PL (c) and triangulation of PU and PL (d).
Figure 5: Cycling through surrounding triangles until the first triangle is found, in our example triangle t1.
Now, ground for triangle removal has been arranged. Moving through triangles is simple (Figure 6). To perform this task, the proposed functions OpposedTriangle and OpposedVertex are implemented.
Figure 6: Moving through triangles is stressed by arrows.
Procedure InsertEdgeCDT(T:CDT, ab:Edge) {Precondition: a,b in(T) and ab not in(T)} Find the triangle t in(T) that contains a and is cut by ab PU:=EmptyList PL:=EmptyList v:=a While v not in t do tseq:=OpposedTriangle(t,v) vseq:=OpposesdVertex(tseq,t) If vseq above the edge ab then AddList(PU,vseq) v:=Vertex shared by t and tseq above ab Else If vseq below the edge ab then AddList(PL, vseq) v:=Vertex shared by t and tseq below ab Else {vseq on the edge ab} InsertEdgeCDT(T, vseqb) a:=vseq break EndIf Remove t from T t:=tseq EndWhile TriangulatePseudoPolygon(PU,ab,T) TriangulatePseudoPolygon(PL,ab,T) Reconstitute the triangle adjacencies of T Add edge ab to T Mark the edge ab from T as fixed EndProcFigure 7: Algorithm for edge insertion
Let us look at the triangles Tpapbpc and Tpbpcpd in Figure 1b. If function OpposedTriangle receives a triangle Tpapbpc and vertex pa as arguments, it returns a triangle Tpbpcpd. In case OpposedVertex is called by triangles Tpapbpc and Tpbpcpd, vertex pa of the first entered triangle is returned. Implementation is simple, because it uses links between triangles (every triangle "knows" his neighbours).
When triangle is deleted, all links must be updated. During this process, all points above and below edge are stored separately in two lists, PU and PL (Figure 4). Together with the edge, they present pseudo-polygons that must be triangulated.
Figure 8: Triangulation of pseudo-polygon: Triangle Tabc fulfills Delaunay criterium, so
point c divides polygon into PE and PD.
When inputing data, it can sometimes occur, that a point falls directly on the edge. So pseudocode is slightly improved, compared to Anglada's [8], because it can handle such cases. Point {p} appears to split the edge ab, so the algorithm presumes the same. Recursively, it calls a procedure for edge insertion again, yet with a new edge pb (edge ab is now treated as ap+pb). Comparisson is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Example shows a situation, where point p falls on the edge ab.
In picture a), the situation is not handled, therefore the CDT is incorrect. Picture b) shows our refinement,
where edge ab is splitted to new edges ap and pb), both treated separately. CDT is correct.
Procedure TriangulatePseudoPolygon(P:VertexList, ab:Edge, T:CDT) If P has more than one element then c:=First vertex of P For each vertex v $\epsilon$ P do If v E CircumCircle (a, b, c) then c:=v EndIf EndFor Divide P into PE and PD giving P=PE+{c}+PD TriangulatePseudoPolygon(PE, ac, T) TriangulatePseudoPolygon(PD, cd, T) EndIf If P is not empty then Add triangle with vertices a, b, c into T EndIf EndProcFigure 10: Algorithm for triangulation of pseudo-polygon.
I will pass the same conclusions about time complexity for edge insertion and for triangulation of
pseudo-polygons as Anglada [8] stated. Let e be the number of triangles of CDT cut by
edge ab and m number of edges. The edges are set in a way, that every edge is
defined by two vertices which are already in CDT. So finding a starting point a is done in constant
time. Number of surrounding triangles can vary between one and maximum, as in the case of the number of edges of convex
polygon with a point in the center. Finding the first triangle then requires O(m) time.
Construction of upper and lower pseudo-polygons takes a time complexity of O(e2),
since in each recursive call, total number of points decreases in one unit.
To put all together, procedure InsertEdgeCDT has a worst time complexity of O(n2).
I tested the algorithm on graphs, using different numbers of points and edges. The procedures for insertion of edges and points were measured separately. Table 1 shows some I observed CPU time in relation with number of inserted edges. Usually, greater number of edges means longer processing. But not always. Another important factor is the number of triangles being cut by edges. Tested example d) has less edges than example e) (Table 1), but takes the same time for edge processing. The reason lies in greater number of removed triangles. Removal itself is not that time demanding. More important is the number of points that compose pseudo-polygons, which is proportional to number of removed triangles.
Figure 11 | Edges | Points | Triangles cut | InsertPoint | InsertEdge | Total |
(a) | 368 | 1200 | 988 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.02 |
(b) | 4259 | 1856 | 1311 | 0.02 | 0.02 | 0.04 |
(c) | 5453 | 2345 | 1108 | 0.03 | 0.02 | 0.05 |
(d) | 10000 | 10000 | 9462 | 0.08 | 0.05 | 0.13 |
(e) | 13667 | 6132 | 2412 | 0.08 | 0.05 | 0.13 |
(f) | 19044 | 16013 | 9092 | 0.211 | 0.09 | 0.301 |
Figure 11: Some tested examples.
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