Towards an Optimal Texture Reconstruction
Zsolt Tóth
of Computer Graphics and Image Processing
of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University
/ Slovakia
Visually pleasant texture reconstruction has
important role in computer graphics. In this paper we explore the applicability
of triangulations for texture reconstruction. Two new algorithms are introduced
for generation of data-dependent triangulation. The new deterministic algorithm
entitled as image partitioning algorithm (IPA) shifts this reconstruction
method closer to real usage. We present a new modification of the optimization
technique simulated annealing with generalized look-ahead process (SALA). Also
a new way of utilization of color information is presented, to achieve
qualitative course of reconstruction of color images. Results show both
theoretical and practical superiority over another methods. This work is a part
of the APVT project Virtual Bratislava.
Keywords: image reconstruction,
data-dependent triangulation, minimum weight triangulation
Precise reconstruction of images is important
for operations on images, where it is relevant to maintain the structure of the
image, with minimum amount of artifacts. Such operations are scaling, rotation,
warping etc… In real life the perceived information has continuous character.
Digitizing this information we get discrete model. Our goal is to recover the
continuous model from these discrete samples. It is impossible to design ideal
method, but it is necessary to improve the visual quality.
image reconstruction purposes there exist relatively many approaches. The
simplest method is the nearest neighbour interpolation. More successful methods
are bilinear interpolation and bicubic interpolation. These methods are using
the tensor product of 1D basis functions (linear interpolation and cubic
spline). The reconstruction error is significant in direction, which differs
from the directions of the applied basis functions. Obviously these methods can
be found with the most commercial software tools, because of their high
performance. Reconstructing methods, like the nearest neighbour and bilinear
interpolation are part of hardware acceleration supporting systems like OpenGL
or DirectX. Image processing has also numerous filtration methods for image
reconstruction (Mitchells interpolation, Gauss or Parzen windowed sinc function
main research motivation was the technological development and the applications
involved. They require improving the quality of the reconstruction methods. For
these reasons arose methods, which at first reconstructed visually important
areas (mainly edges) with advanced methods, and for the rest are applied the
previously described methods. The next step was the application of an edge
oriented interpolation for the whole image. Among these methods there belongs
the image reconstruction with the help of data dependent triangulation. The
root of this idea is only a few years old. The data-dependent triangulation [7] is an intelligent reconstruction method, and it
generates the more pleasant results from the described approaches - Figure 1.
In this paper we are dealing with new improvements of this idea.
Figure 1: a, nearest neighbour- b, bilinear- c, bicubic- interpolation, d, data-dependent triangulation at 600% magnification
The paper is structured as follows. Section
2 gives a short mathematical background and overview of research that has been
dealt with data dependent triangulation methods. A guide for the special setup
of data-dependent triangulation for the texture reconstruction can be found in
Section 3. A correct use of color information is presented in Section 4. We
introduce a method to solve a task to shift this approach closer to real usage
– Section 5. On the other hand, a theoretically interesting modification of
existing algorithm is introduced in Section 6. Section 7 deals with implementation
details. Also we consider the usability of these reconstruction methods in
virtual city development. In Section 8 we discuss the results and make some
conclusions. Section 9 provides some possible ways of the future work.
First we
introduce some necessary definitions.
Def. 2.1: Given a set of distinct (and not all collinear) vertices V = {(xi,
yi); i = 1,…,n} in the plane.
Triangulation of the set V is called a set of triangles T(V)
which satisfy the following properties:
vertex of an arbitrary triangle from T(V) is from set V and each
element from V is a vertex of at least one triangle in T(V).
edge from triangulation contains exactly two elements from V.
of all triangles from triangulation T(V) is the convex hull of set V.
of two arbitrary triangles from triangulation T(V) is an empty set or
their common vertex or their common edge.
Def. 2.2: The total weight of the triangulation T(V)
is a sum of the length (cost) of all its edges:
where c(e) denotes the cost function of
edge e.
In this work we use l1 norm
(what means the sum of the absolute values), but there exist other
possibilities, too [7].
Def. 2.3: The minimum weight triangulation (MWT) of set V
is a triangulation whose weight is minimal between all possible triangulations:
Data-dependent triangulation (DDT) of set V = {(xi, yi);
i = 1,…,n} in E2 (Eucledian 2-dimensional space) is a triangulation
where the topology of triangulation is dependent on function f(x,
y) = {zi = f(xi, yi)
; i = 1,…,n}.
DDT allows to construct triangulations in 2D based on properties, which are
represented as additional dimension. It also represents a triangulation in
2.5D. It depends on the application which form is more suitable (image
reconstruction – 2D, terrain reconstruction – 2.5D). We restrict our
considerations to the so-called edge-based data-dependent triangulations.
There are other possibilities e.g. vertex-based data-dependent triangulations
[4]. The dependency of the edges from the function f(x,
y) can be arbitrary, but we limit our consideration with the following:
each interior edge is dependent on the four vertices forming the quadrilateral
(created from two adjacent triangles), which contain the edge as a diagonal - Figure 5.
triangulations usually avoid the generation of long tiny triangles. These are
suitable for reconstruction of areas where f(x, y) has
large derivatives in one direction if compared to other directions. In image
reconstruction that areas contain edges in the image, and our primary goal is
to reconstruct them correctly - Figure 2.
solve the MWT problem we need to investigate an exponential number of
triangulations, what is extremely time consuming for large data sets. Some
properties of MWT have been observed or proved, but the NP-completeness of MWT is
still an open problem of the computational geometry. The detailed survey of the
MWT problem was done by Ferko [8]. The number of the existing heuristics,
approximations and known subgraphs [9] of this problem for planar triangulations is reduced
with the data dependent approach. This is due to special cost assign of the
Figure 2: The edge - and
the result - representation of the DDT triangulation at 800% magnification
Every interior edge is an intersection of two
adjacent triangles, these triangles form a quadrilateral. If the quadrilateral
is convex and non degenerate, then the edge can be replaced by another
diagonal. This operation is called edge swap. The diagonal edge of the
quadrilateral with the mentioned properties is called locally optimal if the
quadrilateral is optimally triangulated. If it is concave or degenerate then it
is also locally optimal. We must note that the local optimality of the edge at
DDT depends on the sum of the five edges, depicted on Figure 3. With the edge swapping operation works the
most popular data dependent approach, the Lawson optimization [7] (also called locally optimization procedure). It is
similar to the Delaunay triangulation for planar triangulations [2], [14]. If the cost function satisfies the well known empty
circle property, then they are identical.
The look-ahead
expansion of the local optimality [24] of edges scans the triangulation structure deeper and
triangulates (with MWT property) the area bounded with eight vertices - Figure 3.
Figure 3: Local
optimality and its look-ahead expansion
generalize the look-ahead principle. Local optimality means in this sense
look-ahead of zero degree, the classical look-ahead is marked as a first
degree. With enlarging the considered area (the dotted line on Figure 3 means the enlargement at the actual level) we get the
look-ahead of second degree etc.
level data-dependent triangulation was introduced by Su and Willis [19], [20]. This very fast triangulation attain only slightly
better results than bilinear or bicubic interpolation. The embedding of the
image reconstruction problem into five dimensional space was done by Weimer et.
al. [23]. Classical data-dependent methods do better job.
deterministic methods, there are stochastic optimization techniques usable for
constructing DDT heuristics of MWT. The simulated annealing approach was
described by Schumaker in [18]. Its application for image compressing was done by
Kreylos et. al. [15]. The genetic optimization is another stochastic
process, Kolingerova et. al. introduced a data-dependent version [12], recent results can be found in [13].
refinement and decimation techniques also use DDT approaches. Garland and
Heckbert combined the DDT with greedy strategy for digital elevation model
reconstructing and simplifying [10].
This section handles the description of the DDT
process factors for image reconstruction purposes.
The common feature of the majority of existing
algorithms is the necessity of initial triangulation. The reason of this is
that certainly small number of efficient tools exists for creating DDT
approximations and heuristics of MWT. Concretely, the edge swapping and its
look-ahead expansion. These operations request an initial triangulation, on
which it can operate. In our case the data are organized into the Cartesian grid
– the pixel center placement. Our task is to triangulate the domain of the
function f(x, y), so generate a classical planar
triangulation. The next step is pulling this triangulation into 2.5D, to fit
the data vector. The most suitable choice to triangulate the domain of f(x,
y) is the regular triangulation – Figure 4, it is both MWT and most equiangular (Delaunay)
triangulation for the Cartesian grid data sets.
Figure 4: The triangulation of the domain with regularly placed points
we know the data organization, the creation of the initial triangulation
requires only O(n) time. The existing algorithms mostly have iterative
character, so the speed of convergence depends on how far is the initial
triangulation from the final stage (what is usually only a local and not global
optimum). The regular triangulation guarantees fast convergence speed.
The objective now is to assign costs to edges
of the DDT triangulation so, that the MWT approximation of the set results in a
suitable reconstruction. In the context of image reconstruction this means low
cost for edges, which represents visually relevant parts. The existing
approaches works with one data vector, obtained from the color information of
the input image. Usually digital images are represented with three components
(due to the trichromatic theory of color) e.g.: RGB, YUV. We will restrict to
RGB, as other color spaces can be converted into that space.
simplest progresses deal with linear intensity, what can be easily computed:
I = 0.21267R + 0.71516G + 0.07217B
c(e) = cI(e) .
In this way the chromatic information is
skipped. This causes errors when reconstructing small details. Also there can
occur situations, when neighbouring localities have the same intensity but
different chroma.
Yu et
al [24] presented a model, which uses the chromatic
information. The cost for a concrete edge is computed independently for each
color component, and then it is combined according to the next formula:
c(e) = 0.21267cR(e) + 0.71516cG(e)
+ 0.07217cB(e),
where cN(e) means the
cost of edge e with respect to data vector N. Authors mentioned
that the quality of result is slightly increased, while the changes compared to
previous method are minimal.
The role of the edges cost functions was
mentioned, and now we describe some of these methods. We consider only a small
group of these functions, for image reconstructing at work [24]. Generally does not exist any cost function, which
creates visually pleasant results for all data sets.
situation is illustrated on Figure 5, where T1 and T2 are
triangles at the DDT generated piecewise linear surface. They contain a common
edge e. The linear polynomials P1(x,y)
and P2(x,y) are the planes, which contain the
triangles T1 and T2.
P1(x,y) = a1x
+ b1y + c1
P2(x,y) = a2x
+ b2y + c2
Figure 5: Illustration for the calculation of cost functions
polynomials are used for the description of several geometrically based cost
(angle between normals) measures the cosine of the angle between the normals of
the planes which contains triangles T1 and T2:
where n1 and n2
are normals of triangles T1 and T2.
(jump in normal derivatives) is a measure of the change in normals of
derivatives P1 and P2 across the edge e :
where (ny, nx)T is a unit vector in R2
(xy plane), orthogonal to the direction of e.
(deviations from linear polynomials) measures the errors between linear
polynomials P1 and P2 evaluated at vertices v3
and v1:
(distances from planes) measures the distance between the planes P1,
P2 and the vertices v3, v1:
(Sederbergs cost function) uses the projection of the T1 and T2
triangle normals into plane xy:
described cost functions except SCF are sensitive for the scaling of the
intensity range. For image reconstruction purposes the best results were
produced in tests with SCF [24]. This corresponds to our observations - that the SCF
reconstructs better the edge areas than other methods. The demonstration of
cost functions is shown at Figure 6.
Figure 6: The SCF, the ABN and the DP cost function generated results
other approaches exists, which assign the cost to components of triangulation
(vertices, edges, triangles, etc.) on the base of various geometrically based
and not geometrically based criteria. More information about otherwise
constructed cost functions can be found in [1], [4], [7].
Existing principles of data mining from color
information are not completely correct, because these cause some information
loss. The source of this is that the color information resampling is done on
the base of one triangulation. Computing separate triangulation for each color
component seems to be an ideal approach. In [24] authors noticed that this can lead to color bleeding
(they used the RGB color model). Our approach is based on the usage of
perceptually uniform color spaces, trying to avoid or minimize the color
bleeding effect.
Def. : [17] A perceptually uniform (or linear) color model is one
in which the perceptual distance between two colors is proportional to the
Euclidean distance between their positions in the color space.
models can be categorized from many aspects i.e.: device derived, intuitive and
perceptually uniform. Our selection is the CIE L*u*v* color model, a device
independent, perceptually uniform, and not intuitive color model (can be easily
converted into intuitive form). We note that the perceptual linearity of CIE
L*u*v* is not perfect, in the case of large color differences this feature breaks down. Fully perceptually
linear color space had not been developed, and the color conversion from RGB
and backward conversion from our selection is relatively easy. Also this color
space better describes the human visual system sensitivity than RGB.
suggested method works independently with layers L*, u*, v*, and the bilinear
interpolation at resampling also uses this color space - Figure 7.
Figure 7: Sequence of correct reconstruction steps
CIE L*u*v* for bilinear interpolation, we loose the support of hardware acceleration.
On the other hand, the origins of the reconstruction errors are eliminated (for
example artifacts at Gourard shading are result of the usage of the RGB model).
The outlined method uses the color information without losses, and works in
natural way with triangulated data for the human visual system.
Our new deterministic algorithm tries to
combine the advantages of the existing methods. Our main goal was to achieve a
process, which allows real usage of data dependent triangulations and does not
reduce the quality of the reconstruction like the pixel level data-dependent
the existing triangulations the Euclidean length of edges in 2D projection is
only slightly dispersed. These triangulations have rather local character, the
occurrence of extremely long edges is exceptional. On this notion is based the
conception to divide the picture into blocks – rectangles, each vertex must lie
exactly in one block. Inside these blocks there is evaluated the approximation
of MWT, or from all the possibilities is selected the MWT. The problem is to
interconnect the neighbouring blocks. The initial structure of this
interconnection is the regular triangulation – Figure
Figure 8: Block segmentation of the image
quest of the interconnection method is to exude visually pleasant
reconstruction and to have a low computational cost. For this intention is used
one look-ahead transition (of first degree) across the set VA
– set of active edges. Set VA consists from edges, which are
not part of any block at the initial structure, and it has different
orientation as coordinate axes. In other words, we are dealing with the
diagonals of the squares, which are used for the interconnection. Let’s
consider a concrete edge from the set of active edges – e illustrated in
Figure 9. Look-ahead optimization of first degree of the edge e
does not change the other elements from VA, and interconnects
the neighbouring blocks.
Figure 9: Look-ahead of
first degree of edge e
The pseudocode of the algorithm:
Image partitioning algorithm – IPA
Input: digital
Output: triangulation
2. divide
image into blocks;
3. triangulate
each block separately;
4. create
the initial triangulation between blocks;
5. build up
the list VA;
6. for(all edges from the set VA)
7. applicate look-ahead of first degree;
computational cost of the IPA mainly depends on the computational cost of the
optimization technique of processing individual blocks and on the size
selection of the blocks. The computational cost of the initial structure
initialization is O(n). Usage of smaller blocks indicates worse quality, big
blocks cause performance drop down.
above described method is suitable for parallel computations. The individual
blocks can be computed independently, what seems to be a great advantage. In
this case it is necessary to „stitch together” the added block with its
neighbouring blocks, for what is used the described method of interconnection.
IPA can find a wide range of usage if the image is divided into blocks, which
can be triangulated in real time. Individual blocks can be triangulated at
various ways, for example we can set their priority with the help of edge
image partitioning algorithm is applicable only for data sets, where the
projections of the data into xy plane are organized into Cartesian mesh.
In other cases the fast interconnection of the blocks is lost. Another practical
place of the image partitioning algorithm applicability is the recovery of
continuous model from digital elevation models.
In this section there, is introduced the new
modification of the optimization technique called simulated annealing [6], [11]. Our basic idea of the modification of this
stochastic process lies on the usage of the generalized look-ahead process,
with the objective to achieve better reconstruction.
simulated annealing considers to proceed as follows: if the edge is locally
optimal, then with some probability the edge is swapped. This causes the
increase of the triangulation weight, but avoids getting stuck in local minima.
The modification is concerning the case when this swap does not happen. Then
for the tested edge is it applied the look-ahead searching of optimality. In
annealing with look-ahead - SALA
Input: initial
Output: simulated
annealing with look-ahead
2. for(k=1;
k £ ntemp; k++){
3. tA=rkt0;
4. for(l=1;
l £ nlimit; l++)
of good swaps £ glimit){
6. select random edge e from triangulation;
7. if(exists
alternate diagonal of edge e){
8. if(strictly
convex quadrilateral,
which contains e is not optimally
9. swap
10. }
11. else{
12. random
choice of number 0 £
£ 1;
13. if( )
15. swap
15. else
16. look-ahead
edge e;
17. }
18. }
19. }
20. }
We describe the meaning of parameters:
· ntemp – the number of iterations (in how many steps is the temperature of the annealing process reduced), standard value is around 20.
· nlimit, glimit – number of swaps to be attempted for each temperature, number of good swaps allowed for each temperature. Obviously, these values are choosed as fixed multiplies of the number of edges, often is adjusted by a factor 5 or 10.
· t0, tA – initial temperature (0.1), actual temperature.
r – factor for reducing of the
temperatures (the speed of the annealing process), obviously 0.95 or 0.9.
the terminology of good swap we means an edge swap (or look-ahead
optimization) which reduces the total weight of the triangulation
above described standard settings work well for simulated annealing. For the
modified algorithm need to be these settings changed, because it converges
faster, and with these settings may get stuck in local minima. A new additional
parameter is a degree of the look-ahead approach. In our case we employ a
look-ahead of first degree. For otherwise distributed data sets the higher
degrees can improve reconstruction results. There are no restrictions of the
usage from the side of data distribution.
software implementation is structured into several parts, as we can see from Figure 10.
Figure 10: Workflow and the interconnection with project Virtual Bratislava
three main parts are: Triangulator, Visualisator and the Analyzer.
They were developed under Borland C++ Builder 5.0 for Windows platform. These
applications provide solid solutions for the problems, still is possible an
additional speed up. The purpose of the part, marked as Commercial software,
is the reconstruction of images with non-DDT methods. The tasks of the main
parts are the following:
Triangulator gets bitmap data as input and
generates a triangulation as an output.
The Visualisator
creates resized images of the triangulated data, which gets from the component Triangulator,
the output is a bitmap. It is an OpenGL based application, exploiting the
possibility of hardware acceleration for huge number triangle rendering, except
when using L*u*v* color space.
Analyzer compares the bitmaps from the point
of view of perceptual metrics.
the Visualisator we interpolate between the colors at the xy
plane and not in the 2.5D. The color calculation at the resampling depends on
the ratio of the distances and not on its absolute values. For this reason it
is enough to interpolate with Gourard shading in the xy plane. This
means faster rendering and smaller amount of transferred data. If the
interpolation does not have a linear property this simplication is not
triangulated data and the resized images will be used in creating panoramas and
for reconstructing textures for VRML models in project Virtual Bratislava [21]. Another use is for example magnification of image
acquired from mobile devices or printing in large resolutions. There are other
possibilities, such as application at videoconferences, due to transfer speed
restriction of the internet.
Our goal is to provide the most objective
comparing of results compared with other works. Their authors use for these
purposes: perceptual metrics [20], cross correlation [19] and their own HVS [24].
have chosen advanced perceptual metrics like the universal image quality index
(UIQI) from [22], another work in this field is [5]. The main disadvantage of the perceptual metrics is
the urgency of the usage of same size images. At first we must resize the
original image (in our case that means minification), after that resize it back
into the original size, with some of the introduced reconstruction techniques.
The problem is the selection of the method for the first step, because the
results will depend on this. With minification the dependency is not as
recognizable as with magnification, our selection falls to bilinear
are planning to use in the future feature-based methods [3] for the comparing of the results, to avoid the
mentioned problem. The tested images can have arbitrary size, for this approach
there is not a problem to compare them with the original image.
first, the difference is tested between the DDT and the other reconstruction
methods - Table 1 – on the included test image - Figure 13.
Correlation |
Correlation |
Nearest neighbour interpol. |
0,10056 |
0,4720301 |
94,172 |
Bilinear interpolation |
0,10135 |
0,4837924 |
94,418 |
Bicubic interpolation |
0,11064 |
0,4724295 |
94,743 |
Locally optimal triangulation |
0,10557 |
0,4775342 |
94,664 |
Look-ahead triangulation |
0,10275 |
0,4776216 |
94,616 |
Table 1: Quality
measurment of the reconstruction methods
The higher values of the criteries marks better
fit to the original image. As we can see the differences are very small and the
ordering is changing. The situation was similar with other test images, in
other situations reliable comparison tools fails in this problem.
In the other case difference
images shows the contrast between the reconstruction methods. In Figure 11 is demonstrated the reconstruction error at the
bilinear interpolation case. The error is more distractive for the HVS than the
DDT case.
Figure 11: Close up look of difference images, a, the downsampled image, b, bilinear interpolation, c, locally optimal triangulation
The difference at minification
is only slightly recognizable. We suggest the usage of fast, non-DDT
reconstruction approaches for these cases. On the other hand, magnification
purposes can fully employ the merit of the DDT.
For the
test image from Figure 13 we computed the simulated annealing and the SALA. - Figure 12.
Figure 12: The
convergence speed of simulated annealing and SALA
With standard settings described in Section 6
the tested stochastic processes don`t work well. Better was the situation, when
we lowered r = 0.8, or t0 = 0.05. The SALA produces
only slightly lower cost triangulation than the simulated annealing. This is
due to special data distribution, we can consider the digital images as Markov
random fields. The deterministic methods produce more satisfying results for
image reconstruction purposes.
tested deterministic methods: locally optimal triangulation and look-ahead
triangulation showed near linear behaviour. For this reason the IPA primarily
can find usability in real time applications. In this case is not possible to
compute the triangulation for the whole image at once.
our observations we can make another consequence. The resulting DDT
triangulations have rather local character. This implicates that the
computationally cheap approximations of MWT give decent results.
domination of the DDT over the existing reconstruction methods is evident. We
believe that with professional software engineering the introduced image
partitioning method can achieve real time usability. The wide expansion trend
in the near future of the 64-bit processors, PCI-X interfaces, and the
rendering power of the existing graphic hardware brings up the inevitable
Is it time to design a new
reconstruction standard?
There are several possible ways of the future
research, we mention only the most important ones:
possible usage of the acquired C0 piecewise linear surface for
generating higher order approximations [16].
test the usability of vertex based data dependent methods for texture
decimate resulting mesh to obtain image compression. We have an interesting
idea to apply for edge-based DDT built up triangulation vertex-based DDT mesh
test the look-ahead modification of simulated annealing for non-uniformly
distributed data sets.
precise, speed oriented software development of the introduced image
partitioning algorithm.
compare the results with feature-based methods.
This work has been carried out as part of the
project Virtual Bratislava, which is funded from grant APVT 20-0255.
I would like to say thank to
my supervisor Andrej Ferko for his continuous help and support during the
development and writing of this paper.
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Figure 13: The Bratislava castle test image a, an original orthophotograph, b, downsampled image c, bilinear interpolation, look-ahead triangulation