- Marc Gißler
Computer Graphics - University of Freiburg, Germany
Email: gisslerm informatik.uni-freiburg
We present a dynamic simulation framework for
topologychanging deformable objects. The objects are represented
using tetrahedral meshes and deformations are governed by a
corotational finite element approach for linear elasticityand
plasticity. Geometric constraints are employed to efficiently handle
topology changes in a unified way. Topology changes comprise
fracturing and merging of deformable objects. Fracturing is realized
by breaking existing constraints, while merging is implemented by
generating new constraints. Thus, geometric constraints
significantly reduce the complexity of data structure updates in the
context of topology changes. This improves the computational
efficiency and reduces the implementation effort. Experiments
illustrate the versatility and the efficiency of our approach.

A hand leaves an imprint on a plastically
deformable plate.

Resting positions after elastic (left) and plastic
(right) deformation of a bunny´s ears.

A set of blocks merges and is then overthrown by a

Topology changes: An arm is removed from a teddy.
(c) Marc Gißler |