- CT96
Satyan Coorg and Seth Teller.
Temporally coherent conservative visibility.
In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual ACM Symposium on
Computational Geometry, Philadelphia, PA, May 1996.
- DDP96
Frédéric Durand, George Drettakis, and Claude Puech.
The 3D Visibility Complex, a new approach to the problems of
accurate visibility.
In Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, June 1996.
- GKM93
N. Greene, M. Kass, and G. Miller.
Hierarchical Z-buffer visibility.
In L. Valastyan and L. Walsh, editors, Proceedings of the Annual
Conference on Computer Graphics, pages 231-238. ACM Press, August 1993.
- LG95
David Luebke and Chris Georges.
Portals and mirrors: Simple, fast evaluation of potentially visible
In Pat Hanrahan and Jim Winget, editors, 1995 Symposium on
Interactive 3D Graphics, pages 105-106. ACM SIGGRAPH, April 1995.
- Tel92
Seth Jared Teller.
Visibility Computations in Densely Occluded Polyhedral
PhD thesis, Dept. of Computer Science, University of California,
Berkeley, 1992.
Also available as Technical Report UCB//CSD-92-708.
- TH93
S. Teller and P. Hanrahan.
Global visibility algorithms for illumination computations.
In Proc. SIGGRAPH '93, pages 239-246, 1993.
- Tre96
M. Trefný.
Formální popis 3d scén.
Master's thesis, Czech Technical University - Prague, Department of
Computers, 1996.
- TS91
S. J. Teller and C. H. Séquin.
Visibility preprocessing for interactive walkthroughs.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings), pages 61-69,
July 1991.
- YR95
R. Yagel and W. Ray.
Visibility computation for efficient walkkthrough of complex
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 5(1), 1995.
Jiri Bittner -