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There are many possible surfaces upon which perspective projections can be mapped [GG99]. The most natural one is a sphere centered about the viewpoint. The problem of a spherical projection, is the representation of the surface of the sphere in a form which is suitable for storage and fast access on a computer. This is particularly difficult because a uniform (i.e. equal area for all elements) discrete sampling is desirable. This difficulty is reflected in various distortions which arise in cartography for planar projections of world maps. The mappings which are uniform, allow no systematic access and those which map to a plane distort significantly.

Another possibility is a set of six planar projections in the form of a cube with the projection center in the middle. While this representation can be easily stored and accessed by a computer, it is difficult to achieve the precise camera position and orientation. Also the planar cubic mapping does not represent a uniform sampling, it is considerably oversampled at the edges and corners. It is difficult to avoid artifacts from discontinuities at the image borders.

Therefore a projection on the surface of a cylinder has been suggested. One advantage of the cylinder is, that it can be easily unrolled into a simple planar map, making computer access easy. Another advantage is that a cylindrical panorama can be obtained more easily than a spherical one. Most recording systems support this class of panoramic images. A drawback is the limited vertical field of view.


Virtual camera

With a cylindrical panorama two of the three rotational degrees of freedom can be emulated completely and the third one partly. A full rotation about the vertical axis is possible. With a rotation about the horizontal axis a limited view upwards and downwards can be realized. But the vertical field of view can not be greater than 180 $%
$. Therefore a view straight up or down is not possible. A roll motion can also be simulated, but this rotation of the image is not reasonable, because this motion is not common in conventional photography. By modifying the field of view of the artificial camera, a zooming effect can be achieved. But through this image magnifying no new details can be seen. With bilinear filtering jagged edges resulting from the limited image resolution can be reduced.



Due to the curved projection surface used when making cylindrical panoramic images strong distortions are inescapable. To generate new views, these distortions have to be corrected. For that purpose the mantle of a cylinder is covered with the panoramic image and viewed through a central projection from the center of the cylinder.

In other systems (e.g. Quicktime VR [Che95]) a custom image warping algorithm has been used for this task. However the goal of this work is to use the OpenGL graphic system and therefore a standard rendering pipeline. One can produce arbitrary image distortions by texturing a uniform polygonal mesh and transforming the vertices appropriately [HS93]. To warp the panoramic image, a cylindrical surface is approximated with a triangular mesh and the synthetic camera is placed in the center of the cylinder (Figure 1).

Figure 1: camera position in the approximated cylinder



By taking a point in 3-D world coordinates (X,Y,Z) and mapping this point with a central projection with the center O onto the surface of a cylinder (see Figure 2) we get formula (1). This gives the transformation in cylindrical 2-D coordinates $(\theta,\upsilon)$ [SS97].

 \begin{align}\theta & =\arctan(X/Z)\nonumber
\upsilon & =f\cdot\frac{Y}{\sqrt{X^{2}+Z^{2}}}%

$\theta$ corresponds to the rotation angle and $\upsilon$ to the scanline. Whereas in the resulting panoramic image $\theta$ corresponds to the x-coordinate and $\upsilon$ corresponds to the y-coordinate. The cylinder radius r is equal to the focal length f.

Figure 2: recording system



In order to warp the panorama for viewing, the image is projected from the cylindric surface to a plane, which is normal to the optical axis and tangents the mantle at the point H (Figure 3). A point $P_{C}(\theta,\upsilon)$ on the cylinder mantle is transferred after formula (2) into a point PP(xE,yE) on the plane [Hof99].

 \begin{align}x_{P}^{{}} & =f\cdot\tan\theta\nonumber
y_{P}^{{}} & =\frac{\upsilon}{\cos\theta}%

The process of warping can now be accomplished by an algorithmic operation, called warp operation [Che95], [Hof99]. As one sees in Figure 3, the projection on a plane and following display with a central projection is equivalent to a direct projection of the mantle points through O (the points lie on the same ray).

Figure 3: reproduction system

Formula (3) gives the mapping from cylindrical coordinates $(\theta,\upsilon)$ to cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) with the origin in the center of the cylinder. If one looks at these points under a central projection (projection center O, focal length d) this gives (4).

 \begin{align}x^{\prime} & =f\cdot\sin\theta
y^{\prime} & =f\cdot\upsilon\nonumber\\
z^{\prime} & =f\cdot\cos\theta

 \begin{align}x_{I}^{\prime} & =d\cdot\frac{x^{\prime}}{z^{\prime}}=\allowbreak

In order to proof that both methods provide the same results, the image plane coordinates (xI,yI) from (2) are transformed with formula (5) to projective coordinates $(x^{\prime\prime},y^{\prime\prime},z^{\prime\prime})$. If these points are seen under a central projection (O,d) this gives (6).

 \begin{align}x^{\prime\prime} & =x_{E}=f\cdot\tan\theta
z^{\prime\prime} & =f

 \begin{align}x_{I}^{\prime\prime} & =d\cdot\frac{x^{\prime\prime}}{z^{\prime\pri...
}=\allowbreak d\cdot\frac{\upsilon}{\cos\theta}%

As expected, both methods provide the same result: $\emph{P}_{\emph{I}%
\emph{(x}_{I}^{\prime\prime}\emph{,y}_{I}^{\prime\prime}\emph{)}$. Now it remains to be seen, that every warped view generated from the distorted panoramic image data is actually a central projection.

 \begin{align}x_{I} & =f\cdot\tan\theta=f\cdot\frac{X}{Z}%
y_{I} & ...
...}}\right) }}{\sqrt{\left( X^{2}+Z^{2}\right) }}%

Inserting of formula (1) in (2) gives the central projection in formula (7). The rendering of the undistorted view gives in fact the same picture that a normal camera would take.



The polygon mesh, whose shape was derived in the previous section, has to be textured with the panoramic image. This leads to the following problem: the panoramic image can be very big (e.g. $13000\times3000$ Pixel). The rendering hardware however can only work with small sized textures. Thus the input data has to be divided into suitable parts. These parts are sent as single textures to the hardware. If bilinear filtering is used, new problems occur at the texture border. In bilinear filtering [SA99, S. 125ff] the weighted median of the color of the four nearest pixels is calculated. At the texture border these neighborhood values are not accessible.This results in filtering artifacts. Figure 4 shows a magnified cutting from a synthetic test image. The artifacts caused by incorrect filtering are clearly visible. There are two possibilities to support neighborhood data:


Figure 4: filtering artefacts

As the test implementation should not only run on high end systems, the second method was used. In figure 5 the invisible overlapping texture border can be seen.
Figure 5: overlapping texture borders

The given texture coordinates are modified with the texture matrix [SA99, p. 34], this matrix transforms the u,v - coordinates and determines which part of the texture is visible. The texture matrix T in (8) down-scales the visible part by moving the texture coordinates by the equivalent of a discrete texel inward, thus an one texel thick invisible border remains. This border is only used for bilinear filtering.


 \begin{displaymath}{\small T=\left[
\frac{w-2}{w} & 0 & ...
0 & 0 & 1 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1
\end{array}\right] }
\end{displaymath} (8)


By using the texture matrix for modifying texture coordinates, switching between hardware texture border and software texture border is easy. When using the former method the texture matrix must be the identity matrix.


Memory management

Memory management is another important aspect, because texture data can reach a size of 50 MByte or more. To achieve good efficiency the implementation uses OpenGL texture objects [SA99, S. 132ff]. The texture objects are handled stand-alone from OpenGL with a priority system. If all texture objects have the same priority most of the OpenGL implementations apply a last recently used strategy. This means currently used texture objects remain resident, unused texture objects are swapped out to less efficient memory areas. That is sufficient to achieve good response times. Moreover by using specific prioritizing improvements are eventually possible. The OpenGL system tries to hold the texture data (visible image parts) in texture memory. If the user moves the panorama, new texture data has to be loaded and old texture data has to be deleted. This is a time consuming task which leads to noticeable framerate reduction. For systems with unified memory architecture this is not true, they show a constant framerate under all conditions. In these systems the main memory is also used as texture memory, there is no bottleneck transporting data over the system bus.


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Schroecker Gerald