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Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik

 CESCG 2012 - Venue

Michael Wimmer, Martin Ilčik

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April 29th - May 1st, 2012, in Smolenice, Slovakia

Smolenice castle

The Smolenice castle is an old dominant of the Carpatian region in the north-west to Trnava. It was build in the 15th century and considerably repaired at the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays, as a property of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, it is a popular place for conferences, exhibitions and weddings.


Smolenice is a village in the Carpathians located 50 km away from Bratislava, twice as far as Budmerice. The best access by car is from the D1 highway at the exit to Trnava. Please note you need a weekly highway vignette that will cost you 7�. If you plan to arrive by pubic transport, the best option is to get to Bratislava and then to take a bus or train to Trnava. From Trnava, you can take another bus or train to Smolenice. Be sure to check your schedule for buses and trains.

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The 16th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics is sponsored by the following companies:
The Main CESCG 2012 sponsor
Slovak Society of Computer Science
Slovak Society of Computer Science

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