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Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik

 CESCG 2015 - Call for Sponsorship

Michael Wimmer, Martin Ilcik, Andrej Ferko


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April 20th - 22nd, 2015, in Smolenice, Slovakia

CESCG 2015 — Call for Sponsorship

19th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics 2015

April 20th - 22nd, 2015, Smolenice, Slovakia


We are proud to announce the 19th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics for students, to be held in Smolenice (jointly with SCCG 2015) in April, 2015.

CESCG is organized by the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology, and the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University, in Bratislava.


Students, their supervisors and invited speakers visiting the CESCG 2015 will be focused on the latest developments in all aspects of computer graphics. This concentration of delegates will provide a unique opportunity for you and your company to showcase your latest products to a discerning audience of nearly 100 academic participants. You can also use this chance to establish cooperations with outstanding computer graphics research and education groups and to recruit the best young specialists in Central Europe for your business.

In previous years, the seminar was sponsored by Autodesk, Nokia, ATI, Qualcomm, Caligari and by many other companies. Keynote talks were given by prestigious professors: Alan Chalmers, Eduard Gröller, Helwig Hauser, Joaquim Jorge, Reinhard Klein, Tomoyuki Nishita, Carol O'Sullivan, Mateu Sbert, László Szirmay Kalos and many others.

Possible forms of presenting your company are:

  • Website and proceedings promotion
  • Insertion of items to bags
  • Color plate in the printed proceedings
  • Posters in conference area
  • Attending the conference
  • Conference Dinner sponsorship
  • Participation at the computer graphics exhibition
  • Session sponsorship
  • Best paper, best presentation award sponsors
  • Main conference sponsor

Contact and Communication

If you are interested in cooperation, please contact us by sending an email to CESCG 2015 is organized by Michael Wimmer, Martin Ilcik and Andrej Ferko in Vienna, and Andrej Ferko in Bratislava. The organizing committee is looking forward to your participation in this conference. Any questions, issues and/or requests will be discussed in a confidential manner. The organizing committee anticipates providing you with a successful conference venue and format, and working with you to achieve this objective.

This Call for Sponsorship is available via Pages that provide general information about CESCG, guidelines for the authors, etc., can be reached via

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