Building a Virtual Reality Fire Training with Unity and HTC Vive

Bettina Schlager

Supervisor(s): Anton Fuhrmann

VRVis Research Center

Abstract: Simulations in virtual environments for educational purpose are well-known in many domains to achieve an interactive learning experience. This paper addresses the development of a virtual reality application for training non-professionals in using a fire extinguisher. Virtual fire-fighting is advantageous compared to fire training in a real environment in terms of security, practicality and the selection of training scenarios. Additionally, it is a cost-effective alternative while offering a more engaging training experience. The state-of-the-art virtual reality device HTC Vive, paired with the high-level game development framework Unity, is used to develop a 360-degree fire simulation and therefore allows trainees to interact with a fire in a safe setting. The scenario can be controlled from an external supervisor for professional learning feedback. Through visual effects, realistic lighting, suitable shading methods and a physical approximation of fire growth, we achieved to develop a realistic and an immersive learning environment which is also maintainable for further development.
Keywords: Real-time Graphics, Rendering, VR
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Year: 2017