Bridges of Sarajevo

Sanda Sljivo

Supervisor(s): Selma Rizvic

University of Sarajevo

Abstract: With the fast growth of technology, interactive digital storytelling has become a very popular mean to convey the information, especially in virtual cultural heritage applications. Although it has many advantages, there is a challenge to be solved - the narrative paradox. It is a situation when the application tries to mediate the story to the user and aims to maintain control over the order of events, but at the same time tries to give the user full freedom of choice and movement. In this paper, the authors did a case study in accordance to already proposed narrative paradox solution, the user motivation. The case study is an interactive digital story about 7 popular Sarajevo bridges. Afterwards, a user evaluation was performed. This paper presents the results of the application of the narrative paradox solution.
Keywords: 3D Reconstruction, Film Industry, Multimedia, VR
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Year: 2018