[Abstract] [Introduction] [Configuration] [Optical
beacon tracking]
[Other issues] [Conclusions] [References]
This article describes a project, which was carried out in the course of a scientific television show called "Science on Stage". Certain parts of the show featured inline-skaters, whose movements were tracked with techniques based on optical beacon tracking and visualised on a big video projection screen. By tracking one marker per skater movements were tracked in 3 degrees of freedom. These data values were converted into so-called "speed"- and "height" estimates which in turn were used to control a predefined "virtual-city" fly-through. In this way it was possible for the audience to recognise a direct relationship between the movements of the inline-skaters and the projected fly-through seen on the screen.
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Pages created and maintained by Stefan Brantner
Last update: 15.04.1997
Institut for Computer Graphics
and Vision
Graz, University of Technology