[CESCG logo] Local Navigation Systems

Stepán Kment

Computer Graphics Group
Czech Technical University
Prague, Czech Republic
[CESCG logo]

References and related web sites

[1] Jed Hartmann, Josie Wernecke: The VRML2.0 handbook (Building virtual world on the web); SGI Inc. / Addison Wesley publishing, 1996
[2] VRML2.0 specification: http://www.vrml.org
[3] web links index: http://vrml.miningco.com
[4] Kinetix (3DS Max) home: http://www.ktx.com
[5] Adobe (Photoshop) home: http://www.adobe.com
[6] CosmoSoftware (CosmoPlayer): http://www.cosmosoftware.com
[7] Microsoft (Internet explorer): http://www.microsoft.com/ie
[8] Microsoft (VRML player): http://www.microsoft.com/vrml
[9] Microsoft (scripting documentation): http://www.microsoft.com/scripting
[10] Netscape (Netscape Communicator): http://www.netscape.com
[11] Apple (QuickTime): http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
[12] LivePicture (spherical environment tools): http://www.livepicture.com/
