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Mark J. Bentum, Barthold B. A. Lichtenbelt, and Tom Malzbender.
Frequency Analysis of Gradient Estimators in Volume Rendering.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
2(3):242-254, September 1996.
- 2
James F. Blinn.
Jim Blinn's corner -- what we need around here is more aliasing.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 9(1):75-77, January
- 3
James F. Blinn.
Return of the jaggy.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 9(2):82-89, March
- 4
Michael E. Goss.
An adjustable gradient filter for volume visualization image
In Proceedings of Graphics Interface '94, pages 67-74, Banff,
Alberta, Canada, May 1994. Canadian Information Processing Society.
- 5
H. Gouraud.
Continuous shading of curved surfaces.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-20(6):623-629, June 1971.
- 6
J. F. Kaiser and R. W. Schafer.
On the Use of the I0-Sinh Window for Spectrum Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing,
ASSP-28(1):105, 1980.
- 7
Marc Levoy.
Display of surfaces from volume data.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 8(3):29-37, February
- 8
R. Machiraju and R. Yagel.
Reconstruction error characterization and control: A sampling theory approach.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
2(4):364-378, December 1996.
- 9
S. R. Marschner and R. J. Lobb.
An evaluation of reconstruction filters for volume rendering.
In R. Daniel Bergeron and Arie E. Kaufman, editors, Proceedings
of the Conference on Visualization, pages 100-107, Los Alamitos, CA, USA,
October 1994. IEEE Computer Society Press.
- 10
Don P. Mitchell and Aru N. Netravali.
Reconstruction filters in computer graphics.
Computer Graphics, 22(4):221-228, August 1988.
- 11
T. Möller, R. Machiraju, K. Mueller, and R. Yagel.
Classification and local error estimation of interpolation and derivative filters for volume rendering.
In Proceedings 1996 Symposium on Volume Visualization, pages
71-78, September 1996.
- 12
Torsten Möller, Raghu Machiraju, Klaus Mueller, and Roni Yagel.
A comparison of normal estimation schemes.
In Roni Yagel and Hans Hagen, editors, IEEE Visualization 97,
pages 19-26. IEEE, November 1997.
- 13
Torsten Möller, Raghu Machiraju, Klaus Mueller, and Roni Yagel.
Evaluation and Design of Filters Using a Taylor Series Expansion.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,
3(2):184-199, April 1997.
- 14
Torsten Möller, Klaus Mueller, Yair Kurzion, Raghu Machiraju, and Roni Yagel.
Design of accurate and smooth filters for function and derivative reconstruction.
In IEEE Symposium on Volume Visualization, pages 143-151.
- 15
A.V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer.
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Prentice Hall, Inc., 1975.
- 16
Bui-Tuong Phong.
Illumination for computer generated pictures.
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- 17
W.H. Press, B.P. Flannery, S.A. Teukolsky, and W.T. Vetterling.
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Cambridge UP, 1988.
- 18
C. E. Shannon.
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Proceedings of the IRE, 37:10-21, January 1949.
- 19
Ken Turkowski.
Filters for common resampling tasks.
In Andrew S. Glassner, editor, Graphics Gems I, pages 147-165.
Academic Press, 1990.
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G. Wolberg.
Digital Image Warping.
IEEE Computer Society Press, 1993.