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Mark J. Bentum, Barthold B. A. Lichtenbelt, and Tom Malzbender.
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Return of the jaggy.
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An adjustable gradient filter for volume visualization image enhancement.
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On the Use of the I0-Sinh Window for Spectrum Analysis.
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Marc Levoy.
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R. Machiraju and R. Yagel.
Reconstruction error characterization and control: A sampling theory approach.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2(4):364-378, December 1996.

S. R. Marschner and R. J. Lobb.
An evaluation of reconstruction filters for volume rendering.
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T. Möller, R. Machiraju, K. Mueller, and R. Yagel.
Classification and local error estimation of interpolation and derivative filters for volume rendering.
In Proceedings 1996 Symposium on Volume Visualization, pages 71-78, September 1996.

Torsten Möller, Raghu Machiraju, Klaus Mueller, and Roni Yagel.
A comparison of normal estimation schemes.
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Torsten Möller, Raghu Machiraju, Klaus Mueller, and Roni Yagel.
Evaluation and Design of Filters Using a Taylor Series Expansion.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 3(2):184-199, April 1997.

Torsten Möller, Klaus Mueller, Yair Kurzion, Raghu Machiraju, and Roni Yagel.
Design of accurate and smooth filters for function and derivative reconstruction.
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