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Discrete Fourier Transformation

But the images are digitized, therefore we need a discrete formulation of the Fourier transformation, which takes regularly spaced data values, and returns the coefficients of the discrete Fourier transformation as a set of equally spaced values in the frequency space. This is done by replacing the integral by a summation defining the discrete Fourier transformation (DFT). In 1D, it is convenient to assume, that the series outside the range $0$, $N-1$ is extended $N$-periodic, thus $f(k)=f(k+N)$ for all $k$. The DFT of this series is denoted by $F(k)$ and represented by $N$ samples. The DFT is defined as follows:
F(n)=\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}f(k)\cdot e^{2\pi ikn/N}\quad
\end{displaymath} (9)

while the inverse DFT is:
f(n)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=0}^{N-1}F(k)\cdot e^{-2\pi ikn/N}\quad
\end{displaymath} (10)

The 3D DFT is defined by $N_{1}{\times}N_{2}{\times}N_{3}$ samples in the frequency domain:
... e^{2\pi ik_{2}n_{2}/N_{2}}\cdot
e^{2\pi ik_{1}n_{1}/N_{1}}
\end{displaymath} (11)

The inverse transformation is analogous to the 1D case:
...^{-2\pi ik_{2}n_{2}/N_{2}}\cdot
e^{-2\pi ik_{1}n_{1}/N_{1}}
\end{displaymath} (12)

The DFT can be applied to any complex series. The computational time is proportional to the square of the number of points in the series. Instead of the naiv implementation a much faster algorithm can be used, called FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) [2]. DFT requires at least $N^{3}$ multiplications to generate all $N$ of the coefficients $F(n)$. As it is explained in [5], the summation can be broken into two parts, one over the even-numbered elements (k=0,2,4,...) and the other over the odd-numbered elements (k=1,3,5,...). In turn, each one of these parts can be broken into its even-numbered and odd-numbered parts, and the process can be continued, with careful book-keeping, until the summation has become divided into 1-point Fourier transforms (which are identity transforms). This repeated dissection of the series into even- and odd-numbered parts can be implemented by reversing the bit-pattern of the addresses of the data elements. After this is done, the required $N$ values of $F(n)$ can be generated by making a sequence of 2,4,8,...-point summations. Here the number of points in the series is assumed to be a power of 2. Therefore we arrange always our data sets in the middle of $2^{n}$ zero pad. The complexity of the algorithm is $O(N\cdot
log(N))$. For example, a transformation of $1024$ points using the DFT takes $10$ times longer than using the FFT. Note that in practice comparing speeds of various FFT routines is problematic. Many of the reported timings have more to do with specific coding methods and their relationship to the hardware and operating system. Usually the signal to be digitized is appropriately filtered before sampling to remove higher frequency components. If the sampling frequency is not high enough the high frequency components wrap around and appear in other locations in the discrete spectrum. Therefore we have to rearrange our data set after every Fourier transformation. This can be done by dividing the volume data into eight parts (similar to the octree subdivision) numbering them and storing them in the reverse order. The 2D case is sketched on the figure 2.

Figure 2: Wrap around effect: the high frequency components wrap around and appear in other locations of the discrete spectrum. This can be solved by rearranging the different parts.
\epsfysize =7cm \vbox to 7cm{\centerline {\epsffile{}}\vss}

The Fourier transformation is designed only for periodic signals. In image processing one might need to analyze non-periodic signals as well. Then the whole signal (e.g. row of pixels) is considered as only one period of the signal. This may cause that the values at the end of the period are influenced by values from the beginning. If we take a picture as an example, this means, there will be some artifacts at the border. One effective solution is the use of zero-padding.
Ivan Viola, Matej Mlejnek