Up to January 14, 2003, we received quite a large number of
announcements of participation as replies to the Call for Participation of CESCG 2003.
Thus, we are proud to publish the preliminary program of
CESCG 2003. To prepare the successful preparation of printed
proceedings and web proceedings for the seminar, we want to remind
the participants about how to proceed in preparing their
contributions, first.
A Note to Participants
Participants are required to upload a `gzip'ed (compressed)
version of their submissions (including an anonymous version of the
paper and possible supplementary material like additional images,
movies, ..., for reviewing) via our submission page (URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/CESCG-2003/upload.html )
by February 27th, 2003, 23:59 CET at the
latest. The anonymous material will then be distributed for
reviewing, reviews will be send to the authors by March
10th. Final submissions must be uploaded by March
20th, 2003, 23:59 CET at the latest. Submissions which are
uploaded after this deadline probably cannot be published in the
printed version of CESCG 2003 proceedings. As the HTML version
of the proceedings will be prepared in parallel with their printed
version, the HTML files have to be here by the same deadline, as
Please read the upload instructions which are available at our
submission web page http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/CESCG-2003/upload.html
carefully, such that we have no problems to include all the
contributions in the proceedings. Please recall that only
those contributions are included in any form of seminar proceedings,
that conform to the "Guidelines for Authors" as specified
at http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/guidelines/!
Invited Talks
The organizers of CESCG 2003
are proud to announce the invited talks to be held at the
Invited Speaker |
Title / Abstract |
Reg |
Meister Eduard GRÖLLER,
Austria |
Scientific Visualization in Medicine (or a Christmas-Tree in Heaven)
| ![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
The visual processing of medical data is a prominent subtopic
in scientific visualization. The first part of the talk
surveys some of the recent respective projects done at the
Vienna University of Technology. These projects include, e.g.,
virtual endoscopy and colon unfolding, non-photorealistic
rendering of volume data, intuitive transfer-function
specification. The second part of the talk deals with
visualization of blood vessels. CTA (Computed Tomopgraphy
Angiography) processes contrast media enhanced blood
vessels. In collaboration with radiologists deseases of the
lower peripheral arteries, like calcifications, stenoses,
occlusions, are investigated. Sub-tasks are vessel
segmentation, calculation of central paths, interactive volume
and cross-section rendering. CPRs (Curved Planar Reformations)
are defined by a free-form surface through the central vessel
path. The volume data is resampled along a CPR. The properties
of various CPR variants are discussed. The last part of the
talk concerns a case study to employ computed tomography for
the acquistion of complex geometric models. Further
information on the research projects is available at http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/vis/
Ladislav KVASZ,
Slovakia |
Epistemological Aspects of the History of Painting
| ![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
The geometrical principles of perspective have been thoroughly
analysed and well understood. Nevertheless by this analysis
the question of the relationship between painting and geometry
is usually considered to be exhausted. The aim of the paper is
to push the study of the analogies between painting and
geometry further, through mannerism and baroque till cubism
and abstract art.
Our basic thesis is, that some paintings of the high baroque
as Les Meninas of Diego Velazquez or some of the illusionistic
decorations painted by Andrea Pozzo have the same pictorial
form (in the sense of Wittgenstein's Tractatus) as the picture
embodied in the texts on non-Euclidean geometry (Lobachevsky,
Beltrami). Thus the technical innovations, which were used by
Lobachevsky and Beltrami in their discovery of the
non-Euclidean geometry, were more than a century earlier
developed by the baroque painters.
Further the analogy between the impressionist way of creating
space (in Turner, Monet, and Seurat) and the geometrical ideas
of Cayley and Klein to use projective space as a basis for
non-Euclidean geometry is discussed. Next the paper describes
the parallel between the creation of space in the paintings of
Cezanne and Picasso and the concept of space in algebraic
Preliminary Program
In the following we present all the talks registered for CESCG 2003.
As not all of the invited groups announced two talks, we are able
to redistribute the free slots to those groups who indicate their
interest. In case of missing information (no name yet, etc.) we ask
the concerning group to send the missing data as soon as possible.
Find a legend describing the meaning of the icons at the bottom of
the list.
Participating groups |
Talks announced |
Reg |
| Graz |
WebCAME - A 3D Multiresolution Viewer for the Web |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Modeling Realistic Water and Fire |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Vienna (ICGA + VRVis)
| Matej MLEJNEK |
Feature Based Volume Rendering of Simulation Data |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Christoph BERGER |
A Flexible Framework for Hardware-Accelerated High-Quality Volume Rendering |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Wolfgang DEIX |
A Fractal Model for Artificial Rocks |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Czech Repulic
| Brno (VUT) |
Michal SPANEL |
Face Representation and Tracking Using Gabor Wavelet Network |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Plzen |
Milan KOLLINGER, Karel VONDRACEK, Vaclava SEBLOVA, Jaroslav ZDRAZIL, Jakub JIRKA, Lucie VOKOUNOVA and Vaclav SKALA |
Flood Simulation and Visualization |
![[yes]](images/good.gif) |
Milan FRANK, Ivo HANAK, Tomas SMLSAL and Vaclav SKALA |
Graphical Interfaces for C# |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Prague |
Ladislav KAVAN |
Rigid Body Collision Response |
![[yes]](images/good.gif) |
Ladislav CMOLIK and Miroslav ULLER |
Point Cloud Morphing |
![[yes]](images/good.gif) |
Semantic Metadata Creation |
![[yes]](images/good.gif) |
| Bonn |
Marcel KÖRTGEN, Gil-Joo PARK, Marcin NOVOTNY and Reinhard KLEIN |
3D Shape Matching With 3D Shape Contexts |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Realistic Materials for Virtual Real-Time Environments |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
| Budapest |
DEAK Szabolcs |
Dynamic Simulation in a Driving Simulator Game |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
LAZANYI Istvan |
Preprocessing virtual worlds for virtual reality applications |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
JUHASZ Tamas |
Graphics Acceleration Techniques for a Mobile Robot Simulator |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
| Bratislava (UK) |
Peter KUBINI |
Tracking facial features using low resolution and low fps cameras under variable light conditions |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
Jozef ZAJAC |
Biped Animation Using Mathematical Expressions in Maya |
![[yes]](images/good.gif) |
Bratislava (STU)
| Roman KAPUSTA |
Scene reconstruction using structured light |
![[no]](images/bar.gif) |
. . . no contribution information available
. . . some contribution information missing
. . . not registered yet
. . . registered, everything ok
TBA. . . to be announced |