vistit the homepage Vienna University of TechnologyTECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN
Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik


Michael Wimmer, Martin Ilčík

Previously organised by Georg Zotti

Ivan Viola, Andreas Traxler, Thomas Theußl and Helwig Hauser

CESCG Home  -  Organization  -  Web Proceedings  -  Guidelines for Authors

Participating students present their work in two modes. All of them have to prepare written material as a documentation of their work.

Students with presentation slots
have to prepare a talk for the seminar.
Students with posters
have to prepare a poster instead.

For all spoken and written contributions, a few important guidelines are specified which provide at least a bit of continuity among the contributions to CESCG.

Guidelines for written material

See How to Write a Scientific Paper for hints compiled at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms.

PDF required
Students have to provide their contribution in PDF. If not, papers are not included within the printed proceedings. It is important that PDF papers are formatted as ISO A4, do not contain page numbers, and that all fonts are embedded. Please see docs of your PDF creator how to do that if you don't use the recommended LATEX class (below).

2 hints on font embedding if you use pdfTEX in MiKTEX: Depending on your installation, either

Length and structure of a paper
CESCG contributions should not exceed 8 pages (A4) in length (when printed). Contents must be well-structured similar to a paper. There should be at least an `Abstract', a section `Introduction', two or three chapters specific contents, a section `Summary' and/or `Conclusions', and a list of `References'. See How to Write a Scientific Paper.
Style requirements
Authors should use one of the following templates, without changing the attributes of text such as size, color, and font. Please note that the templates have slightly changed for the year 2010.
LATEX class zipped
Submission for review and camera-ready exemplary documents
Nice print-outs
Contributions to CESCG should be well readable as a print-out. They will be printed and compiled to low-cost black and white proceedings by the organizers in Vienna. However, the images in the PDF should be in color because the PDF will be available on the website. Therefore you should be careful to choose colors that look good when printed in black and white. It is also acceptable to supply a separate PDF file for printing in the final submission. If there are problems with printing (or similar), publication is not possible.
For LATEX, there are special consideration how to create a good PDF file. Please adhere to the instructions given in sections "Images" and "Preparing an acceptable PDF document" in the Siggraph publication guidelines, with the exception that "-t letter" needs to be replaced by "-t a4" in the call to dvips. These commands are included in the Makefile in the CESCG paper class package available above.
In case you use Distiller, make sure to use "Print" or "Prepress" settings and that all (also the standard) fonts are embedded (double-check this!)
HTML recommended
Students are encouraged to provide additional material to their papers. This is best done by assembling it on a web page which will be published in the CESCG - Web Proceedings. Images (JPEG) and animations (MPEG, DivX) are highly appreciated. The total size of the extra material should however not exceed 50MB!
One movable file-tree
Each contribution to CESCG should be prepared in one single directory, named as "LastnameFirstname" of the author. In this directory should go the PDF paper, optionally a PDF paper for black-and-white printing (with the suffix _print) and an index.html. Further sub-directories might exist. You should at least provide the subdirectory "colorplate". It is very important that all links within this file-tree are relative - this means: not including any absolute path - such that the whole tree can be moved around.
Color plates
For the final printed proceedings, each paper is entitled to a color plate of half a page. We have assembled detailed instructions for preparing the color plate in a separate page (the latest package, modified 2006-01-31, is available here). You need to provide the color plates with your final submission!

Guidelines for the posters

The posters will be displayed at the conference venue. Together with the poster, a paper as described above will be published in the conference proceedings.

The size of the poster must be DIN A1 printed in color. No strict template is given.
The header must include the title of your work, author(s) and supervisor nameswith affiliation and email contacts. The body should be structured similar to the written paper, focusing on the most important information. It should include a short introduction, goals, methodoloogy overview and the results and contribution of your work.
We advice the authors to use large fonts, so that the posters are legible also from larger distance. The authors should include enough images, all in high quality resolution.
The authors are responsible for delivering the printed posters to the conference venue. Please hand in the posters to the organizers at the registration desk right after your arrival.
The authors of posters should present their contributions briefly during the Poster Session (up to 5 minutes each).

Guidelines for the talks
Please try to meet the following style guidelines with your slides or transparencies: landscape mode, large font, less than 10 lines per slide, and key words only.
Think about the following hints for giving a talk, before you actually present your work at CESCG: raise your voice, don't speak too silently; talk to the audience, not to the wall; talk slowly, it's new for the others; speak freely, don't learn your talk by heart; etc.; etc.
Time management
Usually a CESCG talk is 20 minutes in length. 5 minutes of discussion are appended to the talk. Try to prepare not more than 10 slides or transparencies for your talk.

Maintained by .
Last update on 1. Jan 70.
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