May 2nd - 4th, 2011, in Viničné, Slovakia
CESCG 2011 — Call for Participation
15th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics 2011
May 2nd - 4th, 2011, Viničné, Slovakia
Introduction |
We are proud to announce the 15th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics
for students, to be held in Viničné (jointly with SCCG 2011) in May, 2011.
CESCG is organized by the
Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology, and the
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University, in Bratislava.
Invited Groups |
We are pleased to invite the following groups (in alphabetical order)
to actively participate in CESCG 2011 by sending students to the seminar:
Austria | Graz |  | Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology |
Vienna |  | Institute of Computer Graphics & Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Sarajevo |  | Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo |
 | Department of Computer Science, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology |
Czech Republic | Brno |  | Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Brno University of Technology |
Prague |  | Computer Graphics Group at the Department of Software and Computer Science Education, Charles University |
 | Computer Graphics Group at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Czech Technical University |
Germany | Bonn |  | Institute of Computer Science II, Computer Graphics Group, University of Bonn |
Hungary | Budapest |  | Computer Graphics Group at the Department of Process Control, Technical University of Budapest |
Poland | Szczecin |  | Computer Graphics Group, West Pomeranian University of Technology |
Slovakia | Bratislava |  | Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University |
 | Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology |
Slovenia | Maribor |  | Laboratory for Geometric Modelling and Multimedia Algorithms, University of Maribor |
Please note that active participation with paper and talk must be announced via
email to until December 16, 2010! Otherwise an
active participation will not be possible! See below for more details about the procedure of registering presentations at CESCG.
Aims and Scope of CESCG |
The main idea of CESCG is to bring undergraduate students who are interested in
computer graphics together across the borders of universities and countries.
The seminar is also intended to be an international event, where students can
present their excellent work to other students. Actively participating
students are, therefore, required to have studied computer science (or
something similar) for at least five or six semesters. Sufficient expertise in
giving a talk as well as reasonable knowledge of the English language is also
required for active participation.
Of course, the overall topic of CESCG is computer graphics.
Specifically, the following fields are covered by the seminar:
- Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality
- Scientific Visualization, Information Visualization
- Real-Time Rendering and Graphics Hardware
- Rendering and Global Illumination
- Animation, Multimedia, and Internet technologies
- Graphical Human-Computer Interaction
- Geometric Modelling, Computational Geometry
- Simulation and Graphics
- Artistic Rendering
- Image Processing, Computer Vision
- Point-based Graphics
Outline and Location of the Seminar |
CESCG is planned to be held
May 2nd - 4th, 2011,
in Viničné near Bratislava. Students have enough time to arrive at the seminar location on the
first day (in time), even from the distant locations. There are
approximately 24 talks (including time for discussions) scheduled for
all three days in total. The program of the seminar is divided into
morning and afternoon sessions. Time for lunch and coffee breaks is
reserved as well. After the first and second day of the seminar,
there are social programs in the evening, e.g., a welcome party and
going to a pub. Accommodation is included with the seminar
International Program Committee |
Papers submitted to CESCG are reviewed by well-known researchers in
the field of computer graphics to provide the authors with constructive
feedback so they can improve their articles before publication.
Due to increasing popularity of CESCG but also because of decreasing
submission discipline, the IPC has agreed to slightly change the review process for 2011.
Each group may submit at most of two papers, the organizers from Bratislava and Vienna three.
The best rated paper of each group is guaranteed to be accepted. The rest paper slots
are assigned by reviewers' rating from all submissions. Authors who do not get a paper slot are
invited to present their paper in a shortened form as a poster in a poster session.
This means that submissions are not rejected due to reviewing. Instead,
only recommendations on how to improve are provided. This
also means that authors of CESCG papers need to make best efforts to
incorporate the suggestions of the reviewers within their papers.
The following International Program Committee (IPC) has been
established for CESCG (alphabetically ordered): - Martin Šperka, Bratislava
- Borut Žalik, Maribor
- Jiří Bittner, Prague
- Alan Chalmers, Warwick
- Andrej Ferko, Bratislava
- Jasminka Hasić, Sarajevo
- Reinhard Klein, Bonn
- Ivana Kolingerová, Plzeň
- Radoslaw Mantiuk, Szczecin
- Jozef Pelikán, Prague
- Selma Rizvić, Sarajevo
- Marc Streit, Graz
- László Szirmay-Kalos, Budapest
- Ania Tomaszewska, Szczecin
- Michael Wimmer, Vienna
- Pavel Zemčík, Brno
Invited Talks |
Again, we will have two very interesting invited talks by recognized researchers in the fields of computer graphics and computer vision: Tomoyuki Nishita and Chris Wojtan.
Abstracts will be available from the Preliminary program page as soon as we have them!
Eligible Contributors and Content of Contributions |
CESCG is targeted at undergratuate and Master level students. Therefore,
students presenting at CESCG 2011 need to be either actively enrolled in an
undergraduate or Master program of their participating institution, or have
been enrolled at the time the work they present was created. It is acceptable
if the work has been done in cooperation with other students. However, the
first author needs to be a student for whom the mentioned criteria hold.
Note on copyright: Note that work presented at CESCG must be original
work and must not have been published BEFORE in another venue. For example,
if an article has been submitted to a computer graphics conference, it is NOT
eligible for CESCG, as this would violate the original publisher's copyright!
On the other hand, it is usually possible AFTER having presented work at CESCG
to submit the same work to another venue, for example, a peer-reviewed conference,
because CESCG itself does not select papers on a peer-review basis.
CESCG is a chance for students to be acquainted with the procedures of
scientific publishing, e.g., at conferences and in journals. Therefore, CESCG
papers should contain all the elements of a scientific paper. In particular,
they should include a suitable presentation of the obtained results, and they
need to be based on scientific literature, containing a discussion of related
and previous work with adequate references. Even though a CESCG paper is not
expected to contain research results suited for a major conference, it should
contain novelty. For example, a new algorithm, an improvement over an existing
one, a new comparison of techniques etc.
The seminar language is English, i.e., CESCG papers are written
in English and presentations are also given in English.
The contributions are submitted in some directly printable format for
printed proceedings (preferably PDF, or, if not otherwise possible,
zipped device-independent Postscript) and the paper source (LaTeX).
To ensure a minimum typographic quality of the seminar proceedings,
all submissions have to follow the guidelines for authors available
A LaTeX2e class (implementing these guidelines) can be downloaded
from this web-page.
Students are highly encouraged to include additional material in
their submissions. This additional material can be images,
animations, etc., and should be assembled on an HTML page which will
be included in the electronic proceedings on the web and the CD.
Note that only those contributions are included in the seminar
proceedings which conform to the guidelines specified above and
which are submitted in time according to the schedule of the
Participation and Dates |
To prepare a successful seminar, it is necessary to coordinate the relatively
large set of groups in different countries. It is obvious that this can only
work if all the participating groups stick to the schedule of the seminar.
The schedule for CESCG 2011 is as follows:
November 16, 2010 |
Call for Participation sent to invited groups.
Invited groups need to check whether they want
to actively participate in CESCG.
December 16, 2010 |
Deadline for email-announcements of participation. Invited groups announce how
many students they would like to send for active participation with paper and
talk (names and titles not necessarily known at this time, but appreciated of
course). No more than one (or two) talks can be guaranteed from the beginning
on due to the increased number of invited groups, but every group is invited to
announce the actual number of students they would like to send.
December 17, 2010 |
Preliminary Program sent to participants. The preliminary
program tells how many students are sent to the seminar per
group. At this point in time, the number of actively
participating students per group is fixed -- the students can
start to work on their papers under the supervision of their
responsible advisor.
February 02, 2011 |
Reviewing Submission Deadline. Students should submit their paper via the
submission system available on the CESCG website.
The paper should include names and affiliation.
February 05, 2011 |
Reviews sent to authors. The authors of prospective CESCG
papers receive constructive recommendations on how to improve
their papers from the IPC reviewers. Students should now
incorporate these recommendations. It is the responsibility
of the student's advisor that this happens properly, so that
the hard work invested by the reviewers is not in vain. The
advisor (and not the student!) then re-submits the improved
paper for final publication.
March 31, 2011 |
Final Submission Deadline. By this day, all contributions, reviews worked in,
must be submitted. Note that only a printable version (PDF or Postscript) of
the contribution must be submitted. However, students are highly encouraged to
provide additional material in form of images, animations, ... , assembled on an
HTML page.
April 01, 2011 |
Final Program will be sent to participants. The final program lists all
CESCG presentations with names and titles as well as the date and time of all
talks as well as additional parts of the program (social program, etc.).
April 07, 2011 |
Registration Deadline. CESCG participants need to register
electronically until this deadline for regular attendance at the seminar.
May 02, 2011 |
CESCG 2011 will take place in Viničné.
Papers are published in printed form (printed proceedings), electronic
form (on CD-ROM and as web proceedings), and as presentations
directly at the seminar.
Seminar fees |
The seminar fees for CESCG 2011
include as usual accommodation, food, participation, printed proceedings, and the official CD-ROM.
All participants are requested to pay for their registration via bank transfer or on site.
The standard registration fee is €100,- and applies for supervisors as well.
Undergraduate and PhD students may register for €50,-. Students presenting a paper
may apply for a sponsorship by the organizers if the financial situation of the student and his university does not allow to pay the fee.
Contact and Communication |
In case you have any questions or recommendations, please send an email to CESCG 2011 is organized by
Michael Wimmer and Martin Ilcik in Vienna, and Andrej Ferko in Bratislava.
This CfP is available via
Pages that provide general information about CESCG, guidelines for the authors, etc.,
can be reached via