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Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik

 CESCG 2016 - Awards

Martin Ilcik, Michael Wimmer


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April 24th - 27th, 2016, in Smolenice, Slovakia

Best Paper

The best papers were selected by the IPC members. Their votes say that the best papers of CESCG 2016 are:

Best Paper Award
Lisa Kellner
(VRVis, Austria)
[.pdf-file]Guided 2D Modeling of 3D Buildings using Oriented Photos
2. Best Paper Award
MichaƂ Chwesiuk
(West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland)
[.pdf-file]Acceptable System Latency for Gaze-Dependent Level of Detail Rendering
3. Best Paper Award
Felix Kreuzer
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file]Using Perception-Based Filtering to Hide Shadow Artifacts

Best Presentation

The best presentations were selected by the audience. Their votes say that the best presentations of CESCG 2016 are:

Best Paper Award
Lukas Prost
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file]Configurable Rendering Effects For Mobile Molecule Visualization
2. Best Paper Award
Lisa Kellner
(VRVis, Austria)
[.pdf-file]Guided 2D Modeling of 3D Buildings using Oriented Photos
3. Best Paper Award
Felix Kreuzer
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file]Using Perception-Based Filtering to Hide Shadow Artifacts

Best Video

The best videos were selected by the IPC members. Their votes say that the best papers of CESCG 2016 are:

Best Video Award
Irfan Prazina
(University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina)
[.pdf-file]Natural interaction with small 3D objects in virtual environments

Supported by

The 20th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics is supported by:
The Main CESCG 2016 sponsor




Slovak Society of Computer Science

Slovak Society of Computer Science

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