[CESCG logo] Particle Tracing Methods in Photorealistic Image Synthesis

Rázsó István Márk

Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology
Technical University of Budapest
Budapest, Hungary
[CESCG logo]

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Mesh generator algorithms

In these type of algorithms we use the previously generated hit points on the surfaces with an associated incoming power. For these algorithms we must store the power of the particle, the surface which the particle hit and a local coordinate on the same surface.
    We are interested in the diffuse radiance of a surface. A Lambertian surface has a constant BRDF ( ) for all incoming/outgoing directions, where is the reflectance. This implies, that a Lambertian surface will have a constant surface radiance for all incoming/outgoing direction pairs. On a Lambertian surface at coordinates, we have a surface reflectance and an irradiance . The radiant exitance of the surface at is . The radiance is , or it can be expressed like . This equation implies that we can store the irradiance and the reflectance of the surface independently, and later reconstruct the radiance.
    At this point, we have to generate surface meshes from the irradiance presented by the photon hits. This is a density estimation problem, where we have non-uniform random samples. To estimate this photon density, there are different classes of density estimation algorithms have been used:

Figure 3 illustrates these three different types of estimation techniques.  
Kernel estimators

We have a list of hit points for each surface, and we have to estimate the irradiance on the surface. The irradiance is represented by these hits, where a finite amount of energy strikes an infinitely small area. In one dimension the density function of the irradiance can be represented by taking  samples (  ):

where  is the power of the  th photon. We know that the irradiance is a smooth function, so to place a spike at every photon hit would not be a good idea. Instead we use smooth kernel functions and replace the delta functions with , where  has a unit volume. A kernel function spreads the energy of the photon over its surrounding area. These kernels should be centered at the origin, have a non-zero region, and be "lump" shaped. Figure 4 shows an example for a two dimensional kernel function. In two dimension, the irradiance function can be estimated: where  is the position of the  th point. If we replace the delta functions with  kernel functions : The kernel functions have the conflicting requirements of being narrow enough to capture detail, and wide enough to eliminate the randomness caused by the non-uniform sampling presented by the hit points. We can use a scaling parameter  to widen or narrow the filter. We have to preserve the volume of the kernels, so we increase the height: Examples for kernel functions can be found in [1], [2].
To generate meshes from the estimated irradiance, we can sample  at a finite set of locations and use some polinomial elements to interpolate between these values. We can use these polinoms during rendering, or we can generate meshes for the surfaces describing the irradiance.