vistit the homepage Vienna University of TechnologyTECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN
Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik

 CESCG 2010 - Awards

Michael Wimmer, Martin Ilcik

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May 10th - 12th, 2010, Budmerice Castle, Slovakia

Best Paper

The best papers were selected by the IPC members. Their votes say that the best papers of CESCG 2010 are:

Best Paper Award
Ondrej Jamriška
(Czech Technical University, Czech Republic)
[.pdf-file][.ppt-file]Interactive Ray Tracing of Distance Fields
2. Best Paper Award
Reinhold Preiner
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file][.ppt-file]Real-Time Global Illumination in Point Clouds
3. Best Paper Award
Johannes Scharl
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file][.ppt-file]A Constraint Based System to Populate Procedurally Modeled Cities with Buildings

Best Presentation

The best presentations were selected by the audience. Their votes say that the best presentations of CESCG 2010 are:

Best Paper Award
Johannes Scharl
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file][.ppt-file]A Constraint Based System to Populate Procedurally Modeled Cities with Buildings
2. Best Paper Award
Peter Kán
(Comenius University, Slovakia)
[.pdf-file][.ppt-file]Automatic Image-Based 3D Head Modeling with Parameterized Model Based on Hierarchical Tree of Facial Features
3. Best Paper Award
Zuzana Haladová
(Comenius University, Slovakia)
[.pdf-file]Segmentation and classification of fine art paintings


The 14th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics is sponsored by the following companies:
The Main CESCG 2010 sponsor
Slovak Society of Computer Science
Slovak Society of Computer Science

Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic
PC Revue


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