May 10th - 12th, 2010, Budmerice Castle, Slovakia
Up to December, we received a large number of
announcements of participation in reply to the Call for Participation of CESCG 2010.
Thus, we are proud to publish the preliminary program of
CESCG 2010.
Unfortunately, we were not able to accomodate all requested slots,
but we have tried to make a fair selection. Please have a look at the list of talks below and
send us as soon as possible the information still missing in the table (names, talk titles).
To prepare the successful preparation of printed
proceedings and web proceedings for the seminar, we want to remind
the participants about how to proceed in preparing their
contributions. The detailed timetable can be found in the Call for Participation.
Please note that this year there were again some changes to the LaTEX template,
as well as new instructions for providing images, so please review them carefully!
A Note to Participants |
Participants are required to upload a zipped
version of their submission (including possible supplementary material like additional images,
movies, ..., for reviewing) via our submission web page
by February 22, 2010, 23:59 CET at the latest.
Note that also this year we do not require an anonymous version.
The material will then be distributed for reviewing.
Reviews will be sent to the authors by March 19, 2010.
Final submissions must be uploaded by April 11, 2010, 23:59 CET
at the latest. Submissions which are uploaded after this deadline cannot be published in the
printed version of CESCG 2010 proceedings. As the HTML version
of the proceedings will be prepared in parallel with their printed
version, the HTML files have to be here by the same deadline as well.
Please read the upload instructions which are available at our
submission web page
carefully, such that we have no problems to include all the
contributions in the proceedings. Please recall that only
those contributions are included in any form of seminar proceedings
that conform to the "Guidelines for Authors" as specified at!
Please note that the templates have been updated for this year. Please use the latest version.
Please also make sure that all participants of CESCG 2010, esp. the
speakers and supervisors, do register as early as possible
via the registration page!
Preliminary Seminar Schedule |
The seminar schedule is again divided into three days. We have two invited
talks sessions, six paper sessions, coffee breaks and lunch and again very
popular social programs. See the details in the following time table:
Invited Talks |
The organizers of CESCG 2010
are proud to announce the invited talks to be held at the
Invited Speaker |
Title and Abstract |
Horst BISCHOF, Austria | Solving Vision Tasks with Variational Methods on GPUs This talk will present novel solutions to long standing computer vision problems by means of variational methods. We present robust methods for optical flow calculation, the correspondence problem for stereo matching, depth map integration and interactive segmentation methods. The variety of topics that can be handled by these methods demonstrate the wide applicability of variational methods. In addition, modern graphics hardware (GPUs) allow to compute solutions to these problems very efficiently and in some cases (e.g. optical flow) even in real-time. Having real-time solutions opens several new applications areas (e.g. industrial imaging), interactive medical segmentation, etc. Some of these will be presented during the talk. | Roman DURIKOVIč, Slovakia | Simulating the Dynamics of Fluids The thin film fluids can interact in the air while forming clustered structures, everybody likes to see them in the bubble show. Animation of soap bubble dynamics, formation of clusters can be handled by the dynamic surfaces colliding each other. How to animate bubbles within the fluid? We can think even about more challenging task of air bubbles within the fluid mixture. The dynamics surfaces will not help us much in this case. Fortunately, mathematical community have payed attention to the fluid dynamics and validated the model of Navier-Stokes differential equations as governing model of fluid dynamics. Unfortunately, those equations can be solved by nontrivial numerical methods. Precise numerical methods can be hardly solved in real time. Fluid dynamics governed by Navier-Stokes equations have been solved for decades but the recent trend in computer graphics is to modify the simulation to gain better controllability, in computer animation or real time fluid animation. Read more ... |
Again time this year, there will be also a special industry session held by our sponsor Autodesk:Keynote Speaker | Title and Abstract |
Stephen STOTT, United Kingdom | Autodesk Education Continuum - Interactive Curricula Model for Technical Excellence and Creativity This presentation describes a proposal for an Autodesk Curriculum Model (ACM) that spans an Education Continuum from Secondary, Career and Technical to Higher Education. The ACM is built on an Interactive Learning Platform to engage a contemporary student audience in a learning environment focused on visual and audio communication and offers pedagogical theory combining Technical Competencies in Autodesk Software and Creative Designing Strategies. The ACM content combines rigorous engineering theory with creative designing strategies to offer faculty and students a new pedagogical approach aligning functionality and imagination as integral elements of an exciting and engaging strategy for learning. |
Preliminary Program |
In the following we present all the talks announced for CESCG 2010.
In case of missing information (no name or title yet, etc.) we ask
the concerning group to send the missing data as soon as possible.
Country | University | Author | Title | Austria | Graz | Andreas Hartl | Computer-Vision based Pharmaceutical Pill Recognition on Mobile Phones |
Vienna (VRVis) | Stephan Pajer | Parallel Distances Analyzing Multi-Level Relationships in Networks |
Vienna (VUT) | Reinhold Preiner | Real-Time Global Illumination in Point Clouds |
Johannes Scharl | A Constraint Based System to Populate Procedurally Modeled Cities with Buildings |
Bosnia-Hercegovina | Sarajevo (UNI) | Goran Radosevic | Laser Scanning Versus Photogrammetry Combined with Manual Post-modeling in Stecak Digitization |
Sarajevo (SSST) | Edin Pasovic | Methods of simplification for process of 3D animation production |
Czech Republic | Brno (VUT) | Bronislav Pribyl | Fine Image Resampling Algorithm |
Brno (MU) | Marek Vinkler | Traversal methods for GPU ray tracing |
Ostrava | Pavel Vlašánek | Usage of the webcam as 3D input device |
Prague (UK) | Martin Berger | Real-time Fur Using GPU-based Raycasting |
Oskar Elek | Layered Materials in Real-Time Rendering |
Prague (CVUT) | Ondrej Jamriška | Interactive Ray Tracing of Distance Fields |
Tomáš Pastorek | Concept of Interactive Coloring book |
Germany | Bonn | Sebastian Merzbach | Time-Varying BTFs |
Hungary | Budapest | Zsolt Fehér | Terrain Rendering with the Combination of Mesh Simplification and Displacement Mapping |
Tamas Huszar | GPU-supported bubble and foam rendering |
Poland | Szczecin | Bartosz Bazyluk | Eye Tracking in Virtual Environments: The Study of Possibilities and the Implementation of Gaze-point Dependent Depth of Field |
Bartlomiej Specjalny | The Prototype Light Projection System for Cultural Heritage Reconstruction |
Slovakia | Bratislava (UK) | Zuzana Haladová | Segmentation and classification of fine art paintings |
Peter Kán | Automatic Image-Based 3D Head Modeling with Parameterized Model Based on Hierarchical Tree of Facial Features |
Martin Madaras | Extraction of skinning data by mesh contraction with Collada 1.5 support |
Slovenia | Maribor | Simon Gang | Comparison of face recognition algorithms in terms of the learning set selection |
United Kingdom | Warwick | Elmedin Selmanovic | Obesity in Children - A Serious Game |