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[bullet] Preliminary Program (final program)
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Preliminary Program of CESCG 2000

Up to January 11, 2000, we received quite a large number of announcements of participation as replies to the Call for Participation of CESCG 2000. Thus, we are proud to publish the preliminary program of CESCG 2000. To prepare the successful preparation of printed proceedings and web proceedings for the seminar, we want to remind the participants about how to proceed in preparing their contributions, first.

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A Note to Participants

Participants are required to upload a `gzip'ed (compressed) version of their submissions to our FTP server (URL ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/CESCG/2000/upload/) by April 6th, 2000, 23:59 CET at the latest. Submissions which are uploaded after this deadline probably cannot be published in the printed version of CESCG 2000 proceedings. As the HTML version of the proceedings will be prepared in parallel with their printed version, the HTML files have to be here by the same deadline, as well.

Please read the upload instructions available at ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/CESCG/2000/upload/:README carefully, such that we have no problems to include all the contributions in the proceedings! Please recall that only those contributions are included in any form of seminar proceedings, that conform to the "Guidelines for Authors" as specified at http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/guidelines/!

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Invited Talk

The organizers of CESCG 2000 are proud to announce an invited talk to be held at the seminar:

Invited Speaker Title / Abstract Reg
Vienna, Austria
Title: 3D Graphics Technology in Computer Games - Past, Present, and Future [yes]

About ten years ago computer graphics research and computer games development were two totally separate areas with not much common ground. Computer games have always been almost exclusively targeted at the consumer market, and the graphics capabilities of consumer hardware at that time were practically non-existent from the point of view of computer graphics researchers. Thus, researchers were using expensive high-end graphics workstations, and game developers were targeting entirely different platforms. This had the implication that algorithms and techniques developed and used by the computer graphics research community could not really be employed by game developers. Graphics researchers, on the other hand, also did not view computer games as an application area of their scientific work.

However, the last decade, and the last couple of years in particular, have seen low-cost consumer graphics hardware reach - and in many areas even surpass - the capabilities of extremely expensive high-end graphics hardware from just a short time ago. This has led to computer game developers increasingly utilizing the scientific output of the research community, with an ever diminishing delay between introduction of a new technique and its actual use in a consumer product. Computer games research and development has thus become a very important application area for graphics researchers.

Given these very interesting developments, we will have a look back at how 3D graphics technology has been used in computer games over the last eight years. We will have a look at several seminal 3D computer games during that period - games that really shaped the entire industry and heavily influenced what was to come after them. In doing so, we will discuss the most important graphics techniques employed. A very important topic is the transition from exclusively using proprietary software-renderers to the wide-spread use of 3D hardware accelerators. Thus, we will also have a detailed look at the most important consumer graphics hardware of the last several years. We will try to wrap everything up with a tentative look into the future

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Preliminary Program

In the following we present all the talks registered for CESCG 2000. As not all of the invited groups announced two talks, we were able to redistribute the free slots to other groups who indicated their interest. In case of missing information (no name yet, etc.) we ask the concerning group to send the missing data as soon as possible. Find a legend describing the meaning of the icons at the bottom of the list.

Participating groups Talks announced Reg
Austria Graz Gerald SCHRÖKER Seamless tiling in OpenGL-based QuicktimeVR applications [yes]
Linz Bernhard REITINGER Three Dimensional Visualisation of Dynamic Processes in Active Programs [yes]
Oliver SCHÖNBRUNNER Human Computer Interaction in the CAVE [yes]
Vienna Wolfgang GREIMEL A Display System for Surgical Navigation in ORL Surgery [yes]
Armin KANITSAR, André NEUBAUER AlVis - A Visualization Tool For Aluminium Foam Investigation [yes]
Stefan MAIERHOFER A Flexible Framework for Volumetracing [yes]
Bernd WALLISCH Internet Based Visualization of Basin Boundaries for Three-Dimensional Dynamical Systems [yes]
Czech Repulic Brno (VUT) Lukas SZEMLA 3D Models Generator Simulating a Grow of Natural Objects for Virtual Reality [yes]
Petr SOVIS Collision Detection and Impulse Dynamics in Real-time Applications (or similar) [yes]
Brno (MU) Jan FLASAR 3D Interaction in Virtual Environment [yes]
Dita NEMCOVA Haptic Visualization of Pictograms [yes]
Ostrava Jiri WALDER Using 2D Wavelet Analysis for Matching two Images [yes]
Prague Jiri CHLUDIL Yacht Captain Training System Based on VRML and Java [yes]
Jaroslav KRIVANEK Ray tracing with BSP and Rope trees [yes]
Ondrej KUBELKA Interactive Music Visualization [yes]
Hungary Budapest Gábor BLASKÓ Vision-based camera matching using markers [yes]
Zoltan KONYHA Real-time driving simulator [yes]
Slovakia Bratislava (UK) Peter BOROVSKY Stochastic Generation of Evolutional Textures [yes]
Michal FANO The 3D Object Reconstruction from 2D Image Slices - Image Pre-Processing [yes]
Michal FARKAS Triangular B-spline surfaces [yes]
Ladislav KOVACS Simultaneous Effects of the Environment and the Tropism to the Growth of a Tree [yes]
Bratislava (STU) Roman FILKORN, Marek KOCAN Simulation of Human Body Kinematics [yes]
Slovenia Maribor Gregor KLAJNSEK Merging a Set of Polygons with non-stable borders [yes]
Legend:   . . . no contribution information available   . . . some contribution information missing   . . . not registered yet   . . . registered, everything ok  

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[CESCG logo] Call for Participation [bullet]
(final program) Preliminary Program [bullet]
Registration [bullet]
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Participants [bullet]
Photos [bullet]
[CESCG-2000 logo]

This page is maintained by Helwig Hauser and Thomas Theußl. It was last updated on April 7, 2000.
If you have any comments, please send a message to cescg#cg.tuwien.ac.at.