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Welcome to CESCG 2000!

These esteemed pages you hold in your hands ;-) contain the Proceedings of the 4th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics for students (CESCG 2000), which took place on May 1-3, 2000, in Budmerice, Slovakia. After several years of succesful CESCG events (1997-1998), CESCG 2000 has again been organized by the Institute of Computer Graphics, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, and the Institute of Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia.

The intention of CESCG has always been to bring students, who are interested in computer graphics, together across borders of universities and countries. 52 papers and presentations in the last three years (CESCG '97, CESCG '98, and CESCG '99) has made this idea a successful one up to now. As another contribution to this series of special seminars we are proud to announce that 15 out of these 52 papers were selected to appear within a "Best of CESCG" book, entitled "CESCG '97-'99 - selected papers", and published by OCG (Austrian Computer Association).

At CESCG 2000 again 22 papers from 11 computer graphics groups - from Bratislava, Slovakia (UK & STU); Brno, Czech Republic (MUNI & VUT); Budapest, Hungary; Graz, Austria; Linz, Austria; Ostrava, Czech Republic; Prague, Czech Republic; and Vienna, Austria - were presented. All the presented papers are also published in form of HTML proceedings, accessible via URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG-2000/. As CESCG more and more adopts a real conference style, this year we included an invited talk which was given by Markus Hadwiger, himself a zealous participant of CESCG '98 and CESCG '99, on 3D graphics technology in computer games. Additionally, for the first time this year, the best paper as well as the best presentation were selected and awarded.

This seminar would not have happened without the help of numerous people. We specifically want to thank Andrej Ferko and Silvester Czanner from Bratislava, and Jan Prikryl from Vienna, as well as all the students who put a lot of effort in preparing papers and presentations, and especially Jakob Hauser who considerately delayed his date of birth giving his father the possibilty to complete the work on these proceedings. ;-) We also want to thank the sponsors of CESCG 2000, i.e., COFAX, an annual trade fair in the field of computer technologies; Slovenska Sporitelna, a Slovak financial institution; SOFTIP, a Slovak information technology provider; OCG, the Austrian Computer Association; Tiani Medgraph, Vienna, a company in the field of medical applications; and VisMed, an FFF-funded project on medical data visualization. As in the last years, this financial support made it possible to organize such an event almost free of charge for students.

April 2000
Thomas Theußl,
Helwig Hauser.

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Virtual Reality, Animation, and Simulation
(Linz, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Human-Computer Interface in the CAVE
(MUNI, Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] 3D Interaction in Virtual Environments
(Graz, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Seamless tiling in OpenGL based Quicktime VR applications
Jirí CHLUDIL, Bretislav CERNÍK
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Yacht captain training system based on VRML and Java cooperation
(Budapest, Hungary)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Aspects of developing a driving simulation game
(STU, Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Simulation of Human Body Kinematics
(VUT Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Collision Detection and Impulse Dynamics in Real Time Applications

Modeling and Rendering
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] A Flexible Framework for Volume Tracing
Jaroslav KRIVÁNEK, Vojtech BUBNIK
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Ray Tracing with BSP and Rope trees
(Maribor, Slovenia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Merging a set of polygons with non-stable borders
(VUT, Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] 3D models generator simulating a grow of natural objects for virtual reality
Ladislav KOVÁCS
(UK, Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Simultaneous Effects of the Environment and the Tropism to the Growth of a Tree
(UK, Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Stochastic Generation of Evolutionary Textures
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
x x Triangular B-spline Surfaces
[did not hand in paper]

Image Processing
(Ostrava, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Using 2-D wavelet analysis for matching two images
(Budapest, Hungary)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Vision-based camera matching using markers
Michal FANO, Martin POLÁK
(UK, Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] The 3D object reconstruction from 2D slices - Image processing

Invited Talk
(Vienna, Austria)

[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] 3D Graphics Technology in Computer Games - Past, Present, and Future

(Linz, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Three-Dimensional Visualization of Dynamic Processes in Active Programs
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Interactive Music Visualization
(MUNI, Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Haptic Visualization of Pictograms
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] A Display System for Surgical Navigation in ORL Surgery
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Internet-Based Visualization of Basin Boundaries for Three-Dimensional Dynamical Systems
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] ALVIS - Meeting the tremendous requirements arising with the visualization of aluminum foam samples investigated by high resolution industrial CT-modalities

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This page is maintained by Helwig Hauser and Thomas Theußl. It was last updated on April 13, 2000.
If you have any comments, please send a message to cescg#cg.tuwien.ac.at.