vistit the homepage Vienna University of TechnologyTECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN
Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik


Michael Wimmer, Markus Lipp

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April 24th - 26th, 2008, Budmerice Castle, Slovakia

Best Paper

Best Paper Award
Alexander Kusternig
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file] [.ppt-file] Real-time Rendering of Dynamic Vegetation [.avi-file] [.avi-file]
2. Best Paper Award
Roland Ruiters
(University of Bonn, Germany)
[.pdf-file] View-dependent Far-Field Level of Detail Rendering for Urban Models
3. Best Paper Award
Gábor Liktor
(Technical University of Budapest, Hungary)
[.pdf-file] Ray tracing implicit surfaces on the GPU

Best Presentation

The best presentations were selected by the audience. Their votes say that the best presentations of CESCG 2008 are:

Best Presentation Award
Alexander Kusternig
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file] [.ppt-file] Real-time Rendering of Dynamic Vegetation [.avi-file] [.avi-file]
2. Best Presentation Award
Martin Rump
(University of Bonn, Germany)
[.pdf-file] [.ppt-file] Measurement and editing of metallic car paint BRDF
3. Best Presentation Award
Martin Ilčík
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.pdf-file] [.ppt-file] A Framework for Global Scope Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Unsteady 3D Flow Data


The 12th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics is sponsored by the following companies:
Main CESCG 2008 sponsor in Slovakia

Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic

Caligari BLStream A K Peters Ltd.
our official partner this year: SISp Slovak Society for Computer Science
and is organized under the auspices of the Austrian ambassador in Slovakia,
Dr. Helmut Wessely.

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