May 2nd - 4th, 2011, in Viničné, Slovakia
Final Program of CESCG
This year, the entire proceedings are also available in a single pdf file: ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS OF CESCG 2011.
Note, that also this year, CESCG is co-organized with the
Spring Conference on Computer
Graphics (SCCG), which takes place before the seminar.
Overview |
| May 02, 2011 | May 03, 2011 | May 04, 2011 | 08:00 | Traveling | Breakfast | Breakfast | 08:55 | Visualization | 09:20 | Attention & Entertainment | 10:30 | Registration | 10:35 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | 11:05 | Human Computer Interfaces | Spare Time & IPC | 11:40 | Closing Ceremony | 12:20 | Lunch | Lunch | Lunch | 13:30 | Opening Ceremony | Spare Time | Traveling | 14:00 | Invited Talk | 14:10 | Natural Phenomena & GPU | 15:00 | Lighting | 15:50 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | 16:20 | Rendering | Invited Talk | 17:20 | Spare Time & IPC | 17:35 | Spare Time | 18:30 | Welcome Party | Social Program |
Monday, May 02, 2011, morning | |
1030 | - Registration - | 1220 | - Lunch - |
Monday, May 02, 2011, afternoon | 1330 | - Opening Ceremony - | | Session: Invited Talk (Chair: Roman Ďurikovič) | 1400 | Tomoyuki NISHITA (Japan) | Realistic Rendering of Natural Phenomena | | Session: Lighting (Chair: Jozef Pelikán) | 1500 | Mohamed El-Zayat (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Augmented Reality platform for enhancing integration of virtual objects (without talk) | István Szentandrási (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Modern Methods of Realistic Lighting in Real Time | Jiří Vorba (Charles University, Czech Republic) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Bidirectional Photon Mapping | 1550 | - Coffee Break - | | Session: Rendering (Chair: Jiří Bittner) | 1620 | Michael Birsak (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Workflow Optimization for a Graphic Artist working on large Texture Sets using Virtual Texturing | Niko Lukač (University of Maribor, Slovenia) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Particle-based Visualization of Large Cosmological Datasets | Pál Barta (Technical University of Budapest, Hungary) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Order Independent Transparency with Per-Pixel Linked Lists | 1735 | - Spare Time - | 1830 | - Welcome Party - |
Tuesday, May 03, 2011, morning | 0800 | - Breakfast - | | Session: Attention & Entertainment (Chair: Andrej Ferko) | 0920 | Júlia Kučerová (Comenius University, Slovakia) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Saliency map augmentation with facial detection | Michal Kowalik (West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Do-It-Yourself Eye Tracker: Impact of the Viewing Angle on the Eye Tracking Accuracy | Labschütz Matthias (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Content Creation for a 3D Game with Maya and Unity 3D | 1035 | - Coffee Break - | | Session: Human Computer Interfaces (Chair: Martin Ilčík) | 1105 | Michal Kevický (Comenius University, Slovakia) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Multiplatform framework for managing windows (without talk) | Jakub Hušek (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Multi-touch Table with Image Capturing | Petr Kadleček (Charles University, Czech Republic) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Overview of current developments in haptic APIs | Andrej Fogelton (Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Real-time hand tracking using Flocks of Features | 1220 | - Lunch - |
Tuesday, May 03, 2011, afternoon | 1330 | - Spare Time - | | Session: Natural Phenomena & GPU (Chair: Ján Lacko) | 1410 | Michal Benátský (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Towards Supporting Volumetric Data in FurryBall GPU Renderer | Dominik Michels (University of Bonn, Germany) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Sparse-Matrix-CG-Solver in CUDA | Matej Hudak (Comenius University, Slovakia) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Physical Animation of Wetting Terrain and Erosion | Balázs Jáko (Technical University of Budapest, Hungary) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Fast Hydraulic and Thermal Erosion on GPU | 1550 | - Coffee Break - | | Session: Invited Talk (Chair: Michael Wimmer) | 1620 | Chris WOJTAN (Austria) | Deformable Surfaces with Topology Changes for Physics-Based Animation | 1720 | - Spare Time & IPC - | 1830 | - Social Program - |
Wednesday, May 04, 2011, morning | 0800 | - Breakfast - | | Session: Visualization (Chair: Matej Novotný) | 0855 | Peter Mindek (Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Maximum Intensity Projection Weighted by Statistical Cues | Thomas Geymayer (Graz University of Technology, Austria) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | Visualizing the Effects of Logically Combined Filters | Robert Wanat (West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland) | ![[.pdf-file]](../images/pdf.2.gif) | A Problem of Automatic Segmentation of Digital Dental Panoramic X-Ray Images for Forensic Human Identification | 1035 | - Coffee Break - | 1105 | - Spare Time & IPC - | 1140 | - Closing Ceremony - | 1220 | - Lunch - |