[CESCG logo] 
[bullet]Call for Participation
[bullet]Final Program
[bullet]Photos of CESCG '98
[CESCG logo] 

We are proud to announce the second Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics for students to be held in Budmerice (right before SCCG '98) in April, 1998. This international seminar is a continuation of CESCG '97 and a set of very successful Joint Seminars, which previously have been held in cooperation between some computer graphics groups in Central Europe. CESCG is organized by the Institute of Computer Graphics, Vienna University of Technology, and the Department of Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Comenius University, in Bratislava.

We are pleased to invite the following groups (in alphabetical order) to participate by sending students to the seminar:

Austria Graz Institute for Computer Graphics, University of Technology
Linz Department of Information Systems (GUP), Johannes Kepler University
Vienna Institute of Computer Graphics, Vienna University of Technology
Croatia Zagreb Department of Electronics, Microelectronics, Computer and Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb
Brno Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Technical University of Brno
Department of Software Systems and Communications, Masaryk University
Ostrava Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Ostrava
Plzen Computer Graphics Group at the Department of Computer Science, University of West Bohemia
Prague Computer Graphics Group at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Czech Technical University
Hungary Budapest Computer Graphics Group at the Department of Process Control, Technical University of Budapest
Slovakia Bratislava Department of Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Comenius University
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Slovak University of Technology

Initially we invite all the groups mentioned above to send two students to give a talk at CESCG '98. Also, participants who'd just like to attend the presentations and discussions are kindly invited. Please note that participation must be announced via email to cescg#cg.tuwien.ac.at until January 15, 1998 - otherwise an active participation is not possible!

The tight restriction of two talks per group is due to the increased number of invited groups and due to the two-days schedule of the seminar. However, it might be the case that not all of the invited groups are able to send two students. In this case additional free slots for participation would be available after January 15, 1998. Groups interested to send more than two students should clearly state this within their email-announcement of participation to cescg#cg.tuwien.ac.at. Thereby required additionally slots are considered when compiling the preliminary program between January 15 and January 19, 1998.

Aims and Scope of CESCG

The main idea of CESCG is to bring undergraduate students, who are interested in computer graphics, together across borders of universities and countries. Of course, the seminar is also intended to be an event, where motivated students can present their excellent work to other students interested in computer graphics. Participating students should have passed the first half of their studies, i.e., they should be studying computer science for at least five or six semesters.

Obviously the overall topic of the CESCG is computer graphics. Specifically the following fields are covered by this seminar:

Topics of CESCG '98

Each year one subtopic in the field of computer graphics is chosen to be the main scope of the seminar. At least most of the contributions should fit into this field such that at least some continuity can be provided at the contents level.

This year we will concentrate on "Recent Advances in Computer Graphics".

Outline of the Seminar

CESCG is held in Budmerice on April 21st and 22nd, 1998. Students have enough time to arrive in Budmerice on the first day in time, even from the far locations. There are approximately twenty talks (including time for discussion) scheduled for both days to be held in separate sessions in the morning and in the afternoon. Time for lunch and coffee is reserved also. After the first day of seminar, there is social program in the evening, e.g., going to a pub, and a possibility to sleep in Budmerice.


Seminar language is English. Students should prepare their contributions in HTML and some directly printable format for printed proceedings (PostScript or PDF; no source like TeX or Word). Guidelines are provided via URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/guidelines/ to ensure some similarity of the submissions, to provide consistently looking proceedings. Note, that a LaTeX-Stylefile and a Word97-Template is provided through this web-page!

To get an impression about how the HTML pages could lool like see page `CESCG - Web Proceedings' at URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/proceedings.html. It is an index to previous CESCG contributions and results of previous Joint Seminars.

Note that only those contributions are included in `CESCG - Web Proceedings' that conform to the `CESCG - Guidelines for Authors' at URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/guidelines/. A rough summary of these guidelines is: Must be well readable as printed text (hand-outs), approximately the length of a paper (~ 10 pages), sufficiently structured (e.g., hierarchical), etc. Note that this is just a rough summary, please read `CESCG - Guidelines for Authors' for further details.

Participation and Dates

To prepare a successful CESCG '98, it is necessary to coordinate several groups in different countries. It is obvious that this can only work if all the participating groups stick to the schedule of the seminar as follows:

December 11th, 1997 - Call for Participation sent to invited groups.
January 2nd, 1998 - 2nd Call for Participation sent to invited groups.
January 15th, 1998 - Deadline for Email-Announcements of Participance!
All participants - not necessarily with names at this time - must be announced to the organizers in Vienna (via email) up to this date. Even if the students, who will contribute to CESCG '98, are not known to the local organizers up to this date, they must be announced (without names), if finally somebody should be sent to CESCG '98.
January 19th, 1998 - Preliminary Program sent to participants
April 10th, 1998 - Deadline for FTP-Submissions of Contributions!
Up to this deadline all contributions must be submitted to server ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at (directory /pub/CESCG/98/upload/) via FTP. Note, that both the HTML-Version as well as the printable Version (Postscript or PDF) of the contribution must be submitted. Please refer to the Upload-Guidelines, available via URL ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/CESCG/98/upload/, before You send files.
April 21st & 22nd, 1998 - CESCG '98!!

Contact and Communication

If you have any questions or recommendations, please send an email to cescg#cg.tuwien.ac.at. CESCG '98 is organized by Helwig Löffelmann, Zsolt Szalavári, and Gerd Hesina in Vienna and Andrej Ferko in Bratislava.

Note, that this CfP is available via URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG98/cfp.html. Pages that provide general information about CESCG, guidelines for the authors, etc., can be reached via URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/

CESCG '98Call for ParticipationFinal ProgramRegistrationContributionsParticipantsPhotos ]
CESCGAbout . . .Hot NewsOrganizational NotesWeb Proceedings (Guidelines for Authors) ]
Helwig Löffelmann, Zsolt Szalavári, and Gerd Hesina, February 3rd, 1998.