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Institut für Computergraphik und Algorithmen
Abteilung für Computergraphik


Michael Wimmer, Markus Lipp

CESCG Home  -  Call for Participation  -  Final Program  -  Preliminary Program  -  Submission
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April 24th - 26th, 2008, Budmerice Castle, Slovakia

Final Program of CESCG 2008

The preliminary program is still available also.

Note, that also this year, CESCG is co-organized with the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG), which takes place right before the seminar.

All chairs are yet to be confirmed.

April 24rd, 2008 April 25th, 2008 April 26th, 2008
7:30 Travelling Breakfast Breakfast
8:30 Session 3: Visualization Session 7: Computer Vision
10:10 Coffee Break Coffee Break &
IPC Meeting
10:40 Registration Session 4: Rendering II: Real-time rendering, image based rendering, ray tracing
11:00 Session 8: Invited Talk by Johannes Wallner, Austria
12:20 Lunch Lunch
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Session 1: Rendering I: Photo-realistic rendering, natural phenomena Session 5: VR and Multimedia Travelling
15:40 Coffee Break Coffee Break
16:10 Session 2: Image processing and animation Session 6: Invited Talk by Vladimir GALAKTIONOV, Russia
17:50 Spare Time Spare Time &
IPC Meeting
18:30 - open

Thursday, April 24rd, 2008, morning
1100 Registration -
1220 Lunch -

Thursday, April 24rd, 2008, afternoon
1330 CESCG 2008 Opening by the seminar organizers
Session 1: Rendering I: Photo-realistic rendering, natural phenomena
(Chair: Jiri Bittner)
1400 Martin Rump
(University of Bonn, Germany)
[.pdf-file] Measurement and editing of metallic car paint BRDF
Carlo Harvey
(University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
[.pdf-file] High-Fidelity Rendering of Ancient Egyptian Gold
Andrej Mihálik
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.pdf-file] Natural Water Shader [.avi-file]
Alexander Kusternig
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file] Real-time Rendering of Dynamic Vegetation [.avi-file] [.avi-file]
1540 Coffee Break -
  Session 2: Image processing and animation
(Chair: Jiri Sochor)
1610 Andreas Schöllhuber
(VRVis Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization, Austria)
[.pdf-file] Fully Automatic Segmentation of the Myocardium in Cardiac Perfusion MRI
Tomáš Janák
(University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, Czech Republic)
[.pdf-file] On Interpolation for Triangulation-represented Digital Image
Domen Mongus and Blaž Repnik
(University of Maribor, Slovenia)
[.pdf-file] Estimation of animation parameters using behaviour patterns
Tomáš Vomáčka
(University of West Bohemia in Plzeň, Czech Republic)
[.pdf-file] Delaunay Triangulation of Moving Points
1750 Spare Time -
1830 Welcome Party -

Friday, April 25th, 2008, morning
730 Breakfast -
  Session 3: Visualization (Chair: Reinhard Klein)
830 Wolfgang Berger and Harald Piringer
(VRVis Research Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization, Austria)
[.pdf-file] Brush-Based Ranking For Navigating Within High-Dimensional Datasets
Alsallakh Bilal
(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file] Trajectory Visualising and Convolution Control and Application for Vortex Detection
Gergo Klar
(Technical University of Budapest, Hungary)
[.pdf-file] Flow Simulation using Obstacle Dependent Grids
Martin Ilčík
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.pdf-file] A Framework for Global Scope Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Unsteady 3D Flow Data
1010 Coffee Break -
  Session 4: Rendering II: Real-time rendering, image based rendering, ray tracing
(Chair: Laszlo Szirmay-Kalos)
1040 Tomas Davidovic
(Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
[.pdf-file] Interactive Ray Tracing of Dynamic Scenes
Roland Ruiters
(University of Bonn, Germany)
[.pdf-file] View-dependent Far-Field Level of Detail Rendering for Urban Models
Krzysztof Wrobel
(Technical University of Szczecin, Poland)
[.pdf-file] Realistic Lighting of Architectural Projects Based on IBL Method
Gábor Liktor
(Technical University of Budapest, Hungary)
[.pdf-file] Ray tracing implicit surfaces on the GPU
1220 Lunch -

Friday, April 25th, 2008, afternoon
  Session 5: VR and Multimedia (Chair: Markus Grabner)
1400 Michal Dobiš, Vladimír Hlaváček, Linh Xuan Hoang, Michal Jajcaj, and Dušan Lamoš
(Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.pdf-file] Augmented Reality Based Learning -- Example of Simple Solution for Night Sky Observation
Esmir Pilav and Belma Ramić-Brkić
(Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Bosnia)
[.pdf-file] Real-time Image Based Rendering Using Limited Resources
Nermina Kraljic
(University of Sarajevo, Bosnia)
[.pdf-file] Interactive video virtual tours
Juraj Czigányi
(Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic)
[.pdf-file] A Simple Haptic User Interface Library
1540 Coffee Break -
  Session 6: Invited Talk (Chair: Andrej Ferko)
1610 Vladimir GALAKTIONOV
Computer Graphics Techniques in CAD Applications
1750 Spare Time & IPC Meeting -
1830 Social Program -

Saturday, April 26th, 2008, morning
730 Breakfast -
  Session 7: Computer Vision (Chair: Pavel Zemcik)
830 Matthias Scharrer
(Graz University of Technology, Austria)
[.pdf-file] Detecting a needle in C-arm X-ray images
Martin Klaudíny
(Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
[.pdf-file] Stereoscopic face images matching
Miroslava Božeková
(Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.pdf-file] Comparison of Handwritings
Nicole Artner and Wilhelm Burger
(ARC Smart Systems, Vienna / University of Applied Sciences, Hagenberg, Austria)
[.pdf-file] A Comparison of Mean Shift Tracking Methods
1010 Coffee Break & IPC Meeting -
  Session 8: Invited Talk (Chair: Michael Wimmer)
1100 Johannes Wallner
Architectural Geometry
1220 Closing Ceremony (Seminar Organizers)-
1300 Lunch -


The 12th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics is sponsored by the following companies:
Main CESCG 2008 sponsor in Slovakia

Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic

Caligari BLStream A K Peters Ltd.
our official partner this year: SISp Slovak Society for Computer Science
and is organized under the auspices of the Austrian ambassador in Slovakia,
Dr. Helmut Wessely.

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