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During the past weeks we received 16 contributions from 5 sites (4 countries) to CESCG '97 as an answer to the Call for Participation. Thus we are now able to proudly announce the (updated) Final Program of the Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics '97 as listed below.
We want to annotate, that the one and only reason why all the contributions from Vienna are on the first day and all the contributions from Bratislava on the second day is an important characteristic of this seminar, namely that students should not present their work at their home site. Please note, that unfortunately Brno and Linz are not able to participate this year, but hopefully next year all invited sites will come together at CESCG '98!
Remember that all participants and organizers stay in Bratislava overnight (beds are reserved!) and that the trip to Vienna on Thuesday morning is already organized. We tried to manage the seminar schedule of the second day, so that everyone is (hopefully) able to have reasonable trip home in the evening.
For the proceedings we ask participants to upload a compressed version of their submission to our FTP server (URL ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/CESCG/97/upload/) by April 16, 1997, 24:00 at the latest. After this time we do not guarantee, that uploaded submissions will appear in the Printed Proceedings of CESCG '97!!! We will also install the WWW-Proceedings by this time.
*PLEASE* read the instructions at URL ftp://ftp.cg.tuwien.ac.at/pub/CESCG/97/upload/:README carefully, such that we (again, hopefully) have no problems to include the contributions in the proceedings! Please recall the "Guidlines for Authors" at URL http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG/guidelines/index.html!
Monday, April 21
up to 1230: Arrival at Comenius University, Bratislava.
See section ``Finding CESCG in Bratislava'' at page ``CESCG - Organization''!
1230-1400: Lunch
1400-1410: Opening Statement by the organizers
1410-1610: Session 1 on Virtual Reality
1610-1630: Coffee Break
1630-1830: Session 2 on Real-Time Software and Natural Phenomena
after 1830: Social Program
Tuesday, April 22
0700: Bus to Vienna by the organizers
1030-1230: Session 3 on Rendering
1230-1350: Lunch
1350-1550: Session 4 on New Technologies
1550-1600: Closing statement by the organizers
after 1600: Open end in Vienna and trip home