[CESCG99 logo] [bullet] Call for Participation
[bullet] Final Program
[bullet] Registration
[bullet] Contributions
[bullet] Participants
[bullet] Photos
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The Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics 1999 is sponsored by the following companies:
[COFAX] [Slovenská spotiteľňa] [Imagination Computer Services] [SOFTIP]
COFAX Slovenská sporiteľňa Imagination Computer Services SOFTIP

Final Program of CESCG '99

If you for some reason want to read it, the Preliminary program of CESCG '99 is available as well.

Monday, April 26, 1999, morning
  Arrival (see ``SCCG99 Travelling - How to get there'' on SCCG '99 home page) -
1230 Lunch -

Monday, April 26, 1999, afternoon
1330 - Seminar Organizers: CESCG '99 Opening Statement -
  Session 1: Computational Geometry (Chair: László SZIRMAY-KALOS)
1350 Mária KUKLIŠOVÁ
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Spline-Blended Surfaces
(Maribor, Slovenia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] An Algorithm for Polylines Outline Construction
Roman ČUK
(Maribor, Slovenia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Construction of Voronoi Diagrams Using Fortune Method: A look on Implementation
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Clustering in 2D - Insert Algorithm
1530 Cofee Break -
  Session 2: Visualisation & Web Applications (Chair: Jiří ŽÁRA)
1600 Wolfgang RIEGER
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Process Visualization for Real-Time Applications
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Animation of Graphics Algorithms
Milan KUBEC, Jiří ŽÁRA
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Remote VRML Browser Control Using EAI
(STU Bratislava, Slovakia)
x x Information Systems and VRML Worlds
[Did not show up at the seminar]
1830 Welcome Party -

Tuesday, April 27, 1999, morning
800 Breakfast -
  Session 3: Modelling, Simulation and Visualisation (Chair: Jan PŘIKRYL)
900 Thomas THEUSSL
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] On Windowing for Gradient Estimation in Volume Visualization
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Transitional Flowing of Fluids Simulated with a Simple Graphics Model
(Budapest, Hungary)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Virtual Newton Telescope
1015 Coffee Break -
  Session 4: Surface Modelling (Chair: Pavel ZEMČÍK)
1045 Petr LOBAZ
(Pilsen, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] A New Data Structure for Terrain Models
(Ostrava, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] An Experimental System for Reconstructing a Scene from the Image Sequences Produced by a Moving Camera
(Graz, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Multiresolution based on View-Dependent Progressive Meshes
1230 Lunch -

Tuesday, April 27, 1999, afternoon
  Session 5: 3D User Interfaces, Virtual Reality (Chair: Helwig LÖFFELMANN)
1400 Ján CÍGER
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] An Ultrasonic Motion Tracker for VR Usage
(VUT Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] 3D Editor for Traffic Playground
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] 3-Dimensional User Interface ``DIRVIEW''
1515 Cofee Break -
  Session 6: 3D Graphics Programming & Distributed Systems (Chair: Andrej FERKO)
1545 Radek OŠLEJŠEK
(MU Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Object-oriented Decomposition of Global Illumination
Andreas VARGA
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] PARSEC: Building the Networking Architecture for a Distributed Virtual Universe
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Developing for Multiple High-Performance Graphics APIs Simultaneously: A Case Study
1700 - Seminar Organizers: CESCG '99 Closing Statement -
1830 Social Programme -

The Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics 1999 is sponsored by the following companies:
[COFAX] [Slovenská spotiteľňa] [Imagination Computer Services] [SOFTIP]
COFAX Slovenská sporiteľňa Imagination Computer Services SOFTIP

[CESCG logo] Call for Participation [bullet]
Final Program [bullet]
Registration [bullet]
Contributions [bullet]
Participants [bullet]
Photos [bullet]
[CESCG99 logo]

Valid HTML 4.0! This page is maintained by Helwig Löffelmann and Jan Přikryl. It was last updated on April 22, 1999.
If you have any comments, please send a message to cescg#cg.tuwien.ac.at.