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Welcome to CESCG '99!

This page contains the electronic Proceedings of the 3rd Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics for students (CESCG '99), which took place on 26th and 27th of April 1999 in Budmerice, Slovakia. After several years of successful joint seminars, CESCG '99 was again organised by the Institute of Computer Graphics at Vienna University of Technology and the Institute of Computer Graphics and Image Processing at Comenius University in Bratislava which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year.

The idea of the seminar is to bring students interested in computer graphics together across country borders, to create an informal platform where computer graphics students can meet their colleagues from other universities and exchange their ideas with them. After two successful seminars in 1997 and 1998, number of participants at CESCG '99 confirms growing interests in the the Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics. This year, 22 papers from 11 computer graphics groups - Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Masaryk University in Brno, Technical University of Brno, Technical University of Budapest, Graz University of Technology, University of Maribor, Technical University of Ostrava, University of West Bohemia in Plzen, Czech Technical University in Prague, and Vienna University of Technology - were submitted to the seminar. The presented contributions are available in Postscript, PDF and HTML formats from http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/studentwork/CESCG99/.

We want to thank all those who helped with the organization of CESCG '99. Specifically Andrej Ferko and Silvester Czanner from Bratislava and Thomas Theu�l from Vienna should be mentioned.

Last but not least we would also like to thank the sponsors of CESCG '99: COFAX, an international computer exhibition in Slovakia, Slovensk� Sporite��a, a prominent Slovak financial institution, Imagination Computer Services, Austria, and SOFTIP, Slovak software company. Without their generous financial support it would not be possible to organise a seminar where our students can afford to participate.

April 1999
Jan P�ikryl,
Helwig L�ffelmann.


Computational Geometry
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Spline-Blended Surfaces
(Maribor, Slovenia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] An Algorithm for Polylines Outline Construction
Roman �UK
(Maribor, Slovenia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Construction of Voronoi Diagrams Using Fortune Method: A look on Implementation
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Clustering in 2D - Insert Algorithm
Visualization & Web Applications
Wolfgang RIEGER
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Process Visualization for Real-Time Applications
Vladim�ra DUD�KOV�, Zuzana �ERNEKOV�, Milan PROCHACZKA, Silvester CZANNER
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Animation of Graphics Algorithms
Milan KUBEC, Ji�� ��RA
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Remote VRML Browser Control Using EAI
(STU Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Information Systems and VRML Worlds
Modelling, Simulation, and Visualization
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] On Windowing for Gradient Estimation in Volume Visualization
Dominik �URIKOVI�
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Transitional Flowing of Fluids Simulated with a Simple Graphics Model
(Budapest, Hungary)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Virtual Newton Telescope
Surface Modelling
(Plzen, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] A New Data Structure for Terrain Models
(Ostrava, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] An Experimental System for Reconstructing a Scene from the Image Sequences Produced by a Moving Camera
(Graz, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Multiresolution based on View-Dependent Progressive Meshes
3D User Interfaces, Virtual Reality
(UK Bratislava, Slovakia)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] An Ultrasonic Motion Tracker for VR Usage
(VUT Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] 3D Editor for Traffic Playground
Pavel �IKOVSK�
(Prague, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] 3-Dimensional User Interface ``DIRVIEW''
(STU Bratislava, Slovakia)
x x Virtual Planetary: Flight Through the Galaxy
[Not turned in in time]
3D Graphics Programming & Distributed Systems
Radek O�LEJ�EK
(MU Brno, Czech Republic)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Object-oriented Decomposition of Global Illumination
(VUT Brno, Czech Republic)
x x 3D Display for Traffic Playground
[Not turned in in time]
Andreas VARGA
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] PARSEC: Building the Networking Architecture for a Distributed Virtual Universe
(Vienna, Austria)
[.ps-file] [.pdf-file] Developing for Multiple High-Performance Graphics APIs Simultaneously: A Case Study

[CESCG logo] Call for Participation [bullet]
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Registration [bullet]
Contributions [bullet]
Participants [bullet]
Photos [bullet]
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Valid HTML 4.0! This page is maintained by Helwig L�ffelmann and Jan P�ikryl. It was last updated on April 18, 1999.
If you have any comments, please send a message to cescg#cg.tuwien.ac.at.